Money, Currency and Crisis - Bas van Leeuwen
Money, Currency and CrisisIn search of Trust, 2000 BC to AD 2000Edited by R.J. van der Spek and Bas van LeeuwenMoney is a core...
Workshop Economic Geography of Long-Run Industrialization
The HINDI research group, in collaboration with the International Institute of Social History (IISH), will be organizing at Thu-...
Labour, unions and politics under the north star
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden today all enjoy a reputation for strong labour movements, which in turn are widely...
TSEG Studiemiddag: Economische en sociale geschiedenis in de komende tien jaar
Op 10 november a.s. organiseert het TSEG/ Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History, in samenwerking met het IISG/...
Lecture: Labour-Intensive industrialization: a concept too many? By Peer Vries
Labour-intensive industrialization: a concept too many?Peer Vries is currently writing a book on Japan and the Great Divergence,...
CFP: Commodity Frontiers and Global Capitalist Expansion
Commodity Frontiers and Global Capitalist Expansion: Social, Ecological and Resource Policy Implications4th International...
Coin Production in the Low Countries: introduction
The IISH research project ‘Coin Production in the Low Countries, fourteenth century to the present’ by Jaco Zuijderduijn, Rombert...
Lecture: Political and Economic Development in Contemporary Iran
17.00 pmSadighi 8th Annual Lecture (Sadighi Research Fund)By Professor Mehrdad Vahabi, University of Paris VIIIWhat is the impact...
Lecture: "Spinning the Industrial Revolution''
On March 7th Jane Humphries will give a lecture: "Spinning the Industrial Revolution".The prevailing explanation for why the...
Fifth International Conference on Iran’s Economy (2018)
The International Iranian Economic Association (IIEA) is pleased to announce its fifth conference on Iran’s Economy to be held at...
Lecture: Emancipation of Consumers in the Low Countries
On February 7th Joost Jonker, will give a lecture on: 'From hapless victims of desire to responsibly choosing citizens. The...
Publieksbijeenkomst: Minder is het nieuwe Meer
19.30 uur.Terwijl technologie banen vervangt blijven we evenveel werken. Zouden we niet gelukkiger en efficiënter kunnen worden...
Coin Production in the Low Countries: datasets
On this page you find the datasets of the joint research project Coin Production in the Low Countries, 1334-1789 by IISH/NEHA and...
Coin Production in the Low Countries: Visualization & Query
The data of the research project Coin Production in the Low Countries, 14th century-present is visualized in the application in...
Coin Production in the Low Countries
This website includes datasets on coin production in the Southern and Northern Low Countries (present-day Netherlands, Belgium...
Publieksavond Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam: de gig economie
Wordt Nederland kampioen kruimelbanen en wat betekent dit voor onze arbeidsmarkt?De ‘gig economie’ ofwel de platformeconomie, de...
Lecture Bas van Bavel
On October 4th Bas van Bavel, Utrecht University, will give a lecture on: 'The Emergence and Decline of Market Economies...
Workshop: Self-Employment in Historical Perspective
Thursday, December 15, 201612:00 Lunch & welcome13:00 Karin Hofmeester (International Institute of Social History) 'The...
Economic Turn in de Joodse Geschiedenis
Symposium: Handel, diamanten, leer en films. De 'economic turn' in de joodse geschiedenis.De 'economic turn' is een belangrijke...
Spui25: What's new? Flexibilisering op de arbeidsmarkt
Tijd: 20:00 uur tot ca. 21:30 uurHet fenomeen van flexibilisering op de arbeidsmarkt is niet zo nieuw als de kranten doen geloven...
'Global Capitalism and Commodity Frontiers: A research Agenda'
The workshop is organized in collaboration with Ghent University, Research Group Communities-Comparisons-Connections Harvard...
China Historical Data at the IISH
Our aimFor a long time now, there has been a real lack of historical data on the economy and society of China. Recently, some...
Book Launch Roger Knight's: 'Sugar, Steam and Steel'
Recently, Roger Knight’s Sugar, Steam and Steel: The Industrial Project in Colonial Java, 1830-1885 appeared. This book brings...
Studiemiddag NEHA
De studiemiddag van het Nederlandsch-Economisch-Historisch Archief (NEHA) vindt plaats op dinsdag 9 juni 2015 van 14.00 uur tot...
Silver, paper money and trust in historical perspective.
Coins, currency and crisis from c. 2000 BC – c. AD 2000: Silver, paper money and trust in historical perspective.International...
Lecture: David Harvey on Marx
The biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression has generated a surge of interest in Marx’s work in the effort to...
Routes into the Abyss
Examining the 1930s and the different reactions to the crisis, this volume offers a global comparative perspective that includes...
Mercantile Networks in the Asian Maritime World since 1750
Conference hosted by the International Institute of Social History(IISH), the Netherlands Economic Historical Archive (NEHA) and...
Workshop: The Global and Long-term Development of Real Wages
Workshop: The Global and Long-term Development of Real Wages: Methods, Problems and PossibilitiesReal wages are a critical...
NEHA studiemiddag
De Universiteit Utrecht, het N.W. Posthumus Instituut en het Nederlandsch Economisch-Historisch Archief (NEHA) hebben het...
Enqueste en Informacie
InleidingDe Enqueste van 1494 (.pdf, 33 Mb) en de Informacie van 1514 (.pdf, 65 Mb) zijn twee van de belangrijkste bronnen met...
The South-South Exchange Proramme for Research on the History o|f Development (SEPHIS) is an independent research programme under...
Labour in the Iranian Oil Industry
As the world's most important source of energy, the Middle East has emerged as the key to the stability of global economy. With...
Aanbieding eerste BINT boek
Op 17 november heeft de minister van Economische Zaken Maria van der Hoeven uit handen van A. Rinnooy Kan bij de SER in Den Haag...
Thirsk-Feinstein Prize
Danielle van den Heuvel was awarded the Thirsk-Feinstein Dissertation Prize at the annual conference of the British Economic...
Dutch herring
In the seventeenth century the Dutch herring fisheries in the North Sea was the largest single fishery in Europe. For centuries...
The Ashgate Companion to the History of Textile Workers
This impressive collection offers the first systematic global and comparative history of textile workers over the course of 350...
Figuerola Prize 2007
The Figuerola Prize 2007 for the best paper published in 'European Review of Economic History' 2005-2006 was awarded to Jan...
Database Hollandse haringvisserij 1500-1795
De hier gepubliceerde data Hollandse haringvisserij 1500-1795 (excel-bestand, 70 Kb) maken deel uit van de volgende publicatie:...
Routes into Abyss?
on the occasion of the of the inauguration of the Victor Adler Gedenkraum in Vienna
Routes into Abyss? Vor dem Abgrund...
A History of Royal Dutch Shell
On 5 July 2007, exactly 100 years after the merger which created Royal Dutch Shell, IISH research fellow Jan Luiten van Zanden...
Maddison Memorial Conference
More about the Maddison Project:
Session One: Measuring comparative performance in historical perspective(chair: Herman...
Social History of Labour in the Iranian Oil Industry (1908 - 2008)
A Social History of Labour in the Iranian Oil Industry is a research project at the International Institute of Social History (...
Local forms of production as resistance against global domination: anti-commodities
An international workshop aiming to focus on responses to global commodity production both in terms of resisting or adapting to...
Abolition of the Slave Trade
The colloquium focused on the long-term consequences of the British abolition of the Atlantic slave trade (1807-8). The...
Boekenweek 2005
De stichting CPNB organiseert de boekenweek 2005 met verschillende organisaties, waaronder het IISG. Het Instituut is mede-...
Sugarlandia - Re-Thinking Sugar Colony in the Asia-Pacific Region in a Global Context
Program and ParticipantsRoger Knight: Sugarlandia. Re-Thinking the Sugar Colony in the Asia-Pacific Region, 1850-1940 (Workshop's...
Navigating the Northern Seas
Programme and Participants
Session I : Navigating Zeeland and the Sont- Arne Van Eessen (UGent): The Nine Years Privateering War...
Gender and Work in the Early Modern Northern European World
Comparing various parts of early modern Europe, one is immediately struck by the fact that some countries developed capitalism...
Family and Household in Urban East and Southeast Europe
BackgroundThe family and household in East and Southeast Europe has increasingly been an object of anthropological and historical...
Economic Growth and Institutional Change in Indonesia in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Background and aimThe `First Conference on Indonesia's Modern Economic History, 1815-1990' was held at the Indonesian Academy of...
Wages and Currency: Global and Historical Comparisons
Convenors: International Institute of Social History (IISH), Amsterdam and National Collection of Coins and Medals (KPK:...
The Napoleonic Continental System
Since 2004, several exciting interdisciplinary conferences on the Napoleonic Empire have re-conceptualized the Napoleonic era as...
Work, Income and the State in Russia and the Soviet Union, 1900-2000
Taking the household or the family as the central unit of analysis the project studies income earning strategies of the non-...
Close Encounters with the Dutch
Close Encounters with the Dutch: The North Sea as near-core region for a nascent modern world (1550-1750)In the seventeenth...
Global History of Textile Workers
Global History of Textile Workers: A global and comparative history of textile workers 1650-2000.In the first phase of the...
Global History of Shipbuilding Labour
The project In the Same Boat? Shipbuilding and ship repair workers: a global labour history (1950-2010) intends to study...
Indonesian Economic Development 1800-2000
This project is a concerted effort of several researchers at different universities and research institutions. The aim of the...
Reconstruction National Accounts of Holland, 1500-1800
The aim of this project is to analyse the economic development of Holland in the early modern period on the basis of a...
Reconstruction of the National Accounts of Indonesia 1900-2000
This project is a part of a wider research project entitled 'Strategies of Economic Development in the Twentieth Century: Europe...
The Economic Consequences of the Dutch
Between 1550 and 1800 the Northern Netherlands went through a period of intense economic development. This did not leave the...
Alternative Exchanges
Exchanges have always had more than economic significance: values circulate and encounters become institutionalized. This volume...
Miners and the State in the Ottoman Empire
The story of the miners of Zonguldak presents a particularly graphic local lens through which to examine questions that have been...
Sugarlandia Revisited
Sugar was the single most valuable bulk commodity traded internationally before oil became the world’s prime resource. From the...
Experiencing wages
When discussing wages, historians have traditionally concentrated on the level of wages, much less on how people were paid for...
Wages and Currency
The basic hypothesis of this volume is that currency patterns may tell us something about the spread of wage payments in specific...
Waarover spraken zij?
Deze bundel vormt de neerslag van een aantal gesprekken waarin 25 hoogleraren in de economische en de daarmee verwante sociale...