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Home > Over IISG > Medewerkers - per afdeling > Medewerkers - alfabetisch > Jaap KloostermanJaap Kloosterman
- Les papiers de Michel Bakounine à Amsterdam (1985/2004, pdf, 133 Kb)
- An Unpublished Letter of Filippo Buonarroti to Charles Teste (1988, in International Review of Social History, 33, pdf, 524 Kb)
- Labour History Collections: an interim note (1996, speech at IALHI's Annual Conference, Athens, pdf, 35 Kb)
- De geheime instructies van de Jezuïetenorde (2000, pdf, 73 Kb)
- Secret Societies: a very short history (2007, an e-resource)
- Hidden Centres: the rise and fall of the secret societies (2009/2010, draft conference paper, pdf, 241 Kb)
- In Bebels voetspoor: Wouter Steenhaut en de IALHI (2009, on the history of collecting labour history sources, pdf, 81 Kb)
- Working for Labour: three quarters of a century of collecting at the IISH (2010, with Jan Lucassen, pdf, 498 Kb)
- Before Rjazanov: a note on early labour history libraries (2011, published as 'Do Riazanova' in: I.B. Tsvetkova, I.Yu. Novichenko, Izvestnyi i neizvestnyi David Borisovich Riazanov (1870-1938), Moskva: GOPB, pp 73-104, pdf, 229 Kb)
- Unwritten Autobiography: labor history libraries before World War I (2012, in: Marcel van der Linden, Leo Lucassen (eds), Working on Labor: essays in honor of Jan Lucassen, Leiden: Brill, pdf, 3 Mb)
- Review of Guy Debord: un art de la guerre, Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France, 2013 (2014, in International Review of Social History, 59, pdf, 48Kb)
- La sottile arte delle relazioni: la Biblioteca e l'Instituut negli anni '50 (2016, in: Giuseppe Berta, Giorgio Bigatti, La Biblioteca-Istituto Feltrinelli: progetto e storia [= Annali della Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, vol. 50], Milano: Feltrinelli, 2016, pp. 52-67, pdf, 1.6 Mb); or in English, Subtle Relations (pdf, 185 Kb).
- Secret Societies (European History Online (EGO), published by the Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG), Mainz, 19 June 2013); or in German, Geheime Gesellschaften (published 26 March 2015).
- Skrytye tsentry: rastsvet i upadok tainykh obshchestv (Istoricheskoe obrazovanie, no 4, 2014, pp 59-98)
- Aad Blok, Jan Lucassen, Huub Sanders (eds), A Usable Collection: Essays in honour of Jaap Kloosterman on collecting social history (Amsterdam University Press, 2014)

Born in Amsterdam in 1948. Came to IISH in 1969 to work on the Archives Bakounine, an edition of the collected works of the Russian anarchist. Head librarian in 1985 and deputy director in 1987, he became the Institute's director in 1993. In 2008 he stepped down to work on a project on the historical background of the Institute's collections, and a study of secret societies. He retired in July 2013, but continues as a senior policy adviser and honorary fellow. He edited works of Mikhail Bakunin, Anselme Bellegarrigue, Carl von Clausewitz, Rosa Luxemburg, Max Nettlau, Anton Pannekoek, and Aleksandr Shapiro, among others, and translated works of Bakunin and Guy Debord.
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