Eef Vermeij

Eef is a typical Jack-of-all-trades and master of none. He came to Amsterdam to study Dutch, but after a year and a half, he opted for a 10-year career as a volunteer at the International bookshop Het Fort van Sjakoo. He was also a squatter, antimilitarist, independent publisher, worked in radio and was co-organiser of the festival 'Europe Against the Current'. In this period he also pursued an education as a graphic designer (not completed).
In 1993 he ended up at the IISH at the department for contemporary German social movements ('ID-Archiv im IISG'). It was there that he obtained his first diploma as a documentation specialist.
His abiding interest in Asia has been one of the constants in his life, and in 1998 he was asked to become part-time coordinator of the Asia Department, which after a few years became a fulltime occupation. From late 2002 on he has been the IISH' regional representative for South- and Southeast Asia, from 2011 only for Southeast Asia and from 2017 for the whole of Asia. In addition to working on several unfinished projects and studies, he has a special interest in Vietnam/Cambodia, art/graphic design, visualization of collective memory, independent culture and a variety of other things.
Selected publications
- Tjebbe van Tijen (chief ed.), Europe Against the Current : catalogue on alternative, independent and radical information carriers, Amsterdam : Europa tegen de Stroom, 1989 (editor)
- Axel Diederich & Eef Vermeij (eds.), Verzeichnis der alternativMedien 1997 (ID-Archiv im IISG Arbeitspapiere, Nr. 1), Amsterdam, Stichting beheer IISG, 1997
- Axel Diederich & Eef Vermeij (eds.), Verzeichnis der alternativMedien (VaM) 1997, Verzeichnis der lieferbaren Broschüren (VdlB) 1997, Graue Literatur im IISG; Edition ID-Archiv, Berlin/Amsterdam (Edition ID-Archiv, CD-Rom Nr. 1)
- Emile Schwidder & Eef Vermeij (eds.), Guide to the Asian Collections at the International Institute of Social History, 2nd . ed., Amsterdam, Stichting beheer IISG, 2001
- Emile Schwidder & Eef Vermeij (eds.), Guide to the Asian Collections at the International Institute of Social History, 3rd ed., Amsterdam, Stichting beheer IISG, 2007
- Emile Schwidder & Eef Vermeij (eds.), Guide to the Asian Collections at the International Institute of Social History, 4th ed., Amsterdam, Stichting beheer IISG, 2012
- Bibliography on Vietnamese Modern Art, 2005 (pdf, 549Kb)
- Sources on the history of the left (with B. Skanthakumar). - in: Pathways of the Left in Sri Lanka / eds. Marshal Fernando, B. Skanthakumar. - Colombo : Ecumenical Institute for Study and Dialogue, 2014. - pp. 325-398
- Bibliography of western language publications on Asian anarchism (2015, PDF, 2.3Mb.)