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Recent scholarship indicates the importance and widespread character of slave trade and slavery in the Indian Ocean and maritime Asia from the early modern period well into the nineteenth century....
Slave Trade in the Indian Ocean and Indonesian Archipelago Worlds (16th to 19th Century) New Research, Results and ComparisonsThursday 10 and Friday 11 November 2016, International Workshop, IISH,...
17.00-18.30 uur.Het Nederlandse slavernijverleden in Azië is nog altijd vrij onbekend. Dat komt niet alleen doordat historici zich wat slavernij betreft lange tijd vooral op ‘de West’ richtten, maar...
The 6th Southeast Asia Update is organized by the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV), and supported by the...
Conference hosted by the International Institute of Social History(IISH), the Netherlands Economic Historical Archive (NEHA) and NIOD (Netherlands Institute for War Documentation.
De Universiteit Utrecht, het N.W. Posthumus Instituut en het Nederlandsch Economisch-Historisch Archief (NEHA) hebben het genoegen u uit te nodigen voor de jaarlijkse NEHA studiemiddag.De...
The aim of the workshop is to compare Maoist insurgencies in various Asian and Latin American countries by addressing the following questions:
Why does (Maoist) insurgency emerge in certain...
Program and ParticipantsRoger Knight: Sugarlandia. Re-Thinking the Sugar Colony in the Asia-Pacific Region, 1850-1940 (Workshop's discussion paper)
Sri Margana, Village, Villager and Onderneming:...
BackgroundFour Australian historians (Rob Castle, Jim Hagan, Roger Knight and Andrew Wells) have been working over many years on a project that attempts to describe, compare and explain the labour...
The conference was convened jointly by the Center for Documents and Research Services of the Iran Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the International Institute of Social History. Programme:First...