Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

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Debat: Verzet tegen de multinational: Shell en de anti-apartheids bewegingErvaringsdeskundigen en historici vertellen over de roerige jaren '70 en '80, toen blokkades, protesten en verzet tegen de... [Event]
A selection of posters from the IISH collections on the IISH Flickr channel. [Image gallery]
Fin-de-Siécle Vienna has become the glorified icon of innovative modernism in the arts and letters. Yet the misery of the masses in the suburbs stood in stark contrast to the urban social order of... [Publication]
The contributions in this book emphasize three types of historical situations. First, situations where racially structured unfree labour relations (e.g., slavery) turned into free labour markets, or... [Publication]