Recent Collection highlights from South Asia include:
- Scanned proceedings of the Textile Labour Association (TLA), Ahmedabad (Gujarat, India) 1924-1929; 1933-1937 and 1990-1995. TLA is part of the Majoor Mahajan Sangh (MMS) the labour union established by Mahatma Gandhi around 1920 which is now in a very precarious situation.
- Materials, mainly posters from Bangladesh, together with the Heritage Archives of Bangladesh History (Rajshahi, Bangladesh)
An important history project initiated in the region is the Bengal Oral History Project, several dozens of video interviews by Shahriar Kabir with key figures in various 20th-century progressive movements in Bengal.
Archival Collections
Some examples of Archival collections – the majority stocked in Amsterdam:
- Commissions of Inquiry into Disappearances of Persons in Sri Lanka 1994-2007, case files
- Diaries of a Dutch relief officer who crossed the countryside of Sri Lanka in 1988-1994 and spoke with many activists (Ben Bavinck papers)
- The archive of the Communist Party of India (M-L) 1963-1998 with letters from prison by Charu Majumdar (leader of the party during the influential Naxalbari uprising of 1967) to his wife Lila
- A vast collection on the Pakistan progressive movement 1917-2000 including papers from Meraj Muhammad Khan, founding member of the Pakistan People's Party (PPP)
Please, browse the online catalogue for records of archives, books and brochures, journals and audiovisual materials.
Online Exhibitions
- Down and Out Working People in the so-called informal sector in India
- Mineworkers in Pakistan
- Posters from Bangladesh: Messages of Hope and Outrage
21 January 2014