A selection of books, journals, magazines, drawings, archives, and objects from the IISH collections
This list is regularly updated and refreshed.
Samuel Coronel. De gezondheidsleer toegepast op de fabrieksnijverheid. Een handboek voor industriëlen, genees- en staathuishoudkundigen. - 1861.
IISH-call number: N 1631/10
The Gezondheidsleer [Health Doctrine] of social physician Samuel Coronel (1827-1892) is one of the oldest Dutch texts on occupational health. The book covers a broad scope: occupational diseases, housing conditions, food quality, health insurance, child labour, and factory hygiene. Coronel was one of the first to see the health of the working class as a socio-medical problem with a special nature. Preserving important works such as Coronel's Health Doctrine for future generations requires good conservation and, where necessary, restoration.
Netherlands: public health; social medicine; occupational diseases
Louis Heijermans. Handleiding tot de kennis der beroepsziekten. - 1908.
IISH-call number: N 1631/1
The magnum opus of social democrat and social physician Louis Heijermans (1873-1938), the two-volume Handleiding tot de kennis der beroepsziekten [Guide to knowledge about occupational diseases] (Rotterdam, 1908), was 'the result of his research conducted in previous years at factories and workshops around the country' are the 160 photos he has taken of diseases, as well as work settings are especially valuable. The book provided an excellent account of the occupational diseases in the Netherlands, was immediately recognized as a reference work, and remained so during the first half of the twentieth century. Preserving important works such as Heijermans’ Guide to the knowledge of occupational diseases for future generations requires proper preservation and, where necessary, restoration.
Netherlands: public health; social medicine; occupational diseases
Huisindustrie in Nederland. Loon- en arbeidsverhoudingen. Catalogus der voorwerpen, aanwezig op de Nederlandsche tentoonstelling van huisindustrie te Amsterdam, samengest. vanwege de Commissie van Enquête [Met een voorwoord van N.W. Posthumus] - 1909.
IISH-call number: N 1107/32 fol.
In 1906 the Vereeniging voor de Nederlandsche Tentoonstelling van Huisindustrie [Association for the Dutch Exhibition of Home Industry] was founded with the aim of drawing attention to the dismal conditions in the home industry. To this end, in 1909 the association organized an exhibition and a congress in Amsterdam and conducted a nationwide survey as part of an international campaign to investigate the home industry. Several photograph and print collections relate to this exhibition. Given the relevance of the subject for the Institute and the dedication of our founder Nicolaas W. Posthumus (1880-1960), a virtual reconstruction of this exhibition with the various documents in our collections would be an interesting project.
Netherlands: social circumstances; labour
Nicolaas W. Posthumus. De geschiedenis van de Leidsche Lakenindustrie. - 1908.
IISH-call number: N 1004/16-18
De geschiedenis van de Leidsche Lakenindustrie [History of Leyden’s Textile Industry] is the reference work of our founder, economic-social historian Nicolaas W. Posthumus (1880-1960). This rich, voluminous study offers an exemplary understanding of the history of the main industry in the Netherlands during the early modern period. The work requires some conservation and restoration.
Netherlands: social history; 16th century; guilds; textile industry
Gerrard Winstanley. The new law of righteousnes, budding forth, in restoring the whole creation from the bondage of the curse. Or A glimpse of the new heaven, and new earth, wherein dwels righteousnes, [...] - 1649.
IISH-call number: E 550/15 O.K.
The origins of communism are often found in the radical movements of the English Revolution, especially in the ranks of the Diggers, named after their occupation of common lands. Gerrard Winstanley (1609-1676) was their spokesman. His New Law of Righteousness is based on the Biblical text: "And all that believed were together, and had all things common; And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need." (Acts 2: 44-45) Preserving important works such as Winstanley’s New Law of Righteousness for future generations requires good preservation and, where necessary, restoration.
Great Britain: Diggers; Communism
Magazines, newspapers, pamphlets, prints
Bulletin van het M.L.L.-Front
IISH-call number: ZK 54277
The Marx-Lenin-Luxemburg-Front was a resistance movement founded a few months after the start of the German occupation in May 1940 by, among others, the politician and internationally influential Marxist Henk Sneevliet (1883-1942). Along with its successor Spartacus, this underground newspaper by Sneevliet is among two of the few principled internationalist opposition newspapers in the Netherlands. In the Second World War used paper, and especially that of underground newspapers, was of poor quality. Conservation of these rare newspaper editions is urgently needed.
Netherlands: resistance newspaper
Walter Crane. Solidarity of Labour
IISH-call number: BG D24/897
A famous picture of the English artist and book illustrator Walter Crane (1845-1915). From the 1880s Crane was associated with the socialist movement and set himself the goal of disseminating art and culture among all social classes. This version is printed on the front page of Volksrecht: Sozialdemokratisches Tagblatt [People's Law: Social Democratic Daily]. Paper (and especially that of newspapers) from the second half of the nineteenth century was of poor quality. The picture already reveals that preservation is urgently needed.
Switzerland: Walter Crane; print
IISH-call number: ZF 30430
Between September 1965 and April 1969 the Dutch underground weekly Hitweek evolved from a mainstream music magazine to the magazine of modern countercultural youth. The magazine had no professional editors on its staff but successfully appealed to readers under the (democratic) motto "this is your paper, write in it" to send in articles and texts. Many elderly people regarded Hitweek as the magazine for 'long-haired lazy scum'. In its brief existence the magazine acquired a cult status. Given the quality of the paper and the used condition of the material, this special magazine is urgent need of preservation.
Netherlands: music; youth culture
Muurkrant. Bezetting van de Katholieke Hogeschool Tilburg in 1969 - Collectie W. Boerboom
IISH-call number: BG M1/811
Wall Paper. Occupation of the Catholic Polytechnic School of Tilburg in 1969. A rare document by an important early Dutch student, which unfortunately is in poor condition. To preserve this document for future generations, conservation is urgently needed.
Netherlands: Tilburg; higher education; occupations
IISH-call number: ZK 17450
The Marx-Lenin-Luxemburg-Front was a resistance movement founded a few months after the start of the German occupation in May 1940 by individuals such as the politician and internationally influential Marxist Henk Sneevliet (1883-1942). Together with its predecessor Bulletin of the M.L.L.-Front, this underground newspaper of Sneevliet is among two of the few principled internationalist opposition newspapers in the Netherlands. In the Second World War used paper, and especially that of underground newspapers, was of poor quality. Conservation of these rare newspaper editions is urgently needed.
Netherlands: resistance newspaper
Archival Collections
Asian Center for the Progress of Peoples (Hong Kong)
Period1982-1996. Size 24 m.
The ACPP is an independent organization dedicated to promoting peace and justice in Asia. Read more about this archive. Only a summary of contents from this archive is available. A thorough inventory and organization of this archive is therefore desirable.
Asia: organization; human rights
Brouwer, Marten
Period 1950-1999. Size 12,12 m.
Political psychologist Marten Brouwer (1929-2001) was a supporter of university democratization and a protagonist in the Daudt affair (fellow professor Hans Daudt opposed this democratization). As an expert on Frisian language and literature, Brouwer was the founder of Quatre Bras, a Frisian literary journal that appeared between 1953 and 1968. Read more about this archive. The lack of an inventory for this archive impedes access for research purposes.
Netherlands, people; social psychology
Bruyard, Pierre en Charles-Jean-Baptiste. Parijs
Period 1571-1831. Size1300 stukken.
Read more about this archive. The collection was long stored at a French château and has been significantly damaged by moisture. Previously, the beautiful tables with trade balances were restored. For Adopt History, we call your attention to the maps and sketches in the part concerning the Inspection of Manufactures (from No. 295 onwards), which require urgent conservation and preservation.
France; trade; textile industry
Nederlandse Vrouwenbeweging
Period ca. 1946-2001. Size 16,5 m.
The Nederlandse Vrouwenbeweging (Dutch Women's Movement) was founded in 1946 with the objective of democratizing society to make the revival of fascism impossible and to create and build lasting peace through a broad feminist movement. In 2002, the movement suspended its work. Read more about this archive. Inventory and organization are urgently needed to improve access to the archive for further research.
Netherlands; organizations; Communism; women
Ravesteyn, Willem van
Period 1897-1970 (1995-1999). Size 8,22 m.
Willem van Ravesteyn (1876-1970) was a socialist and later became a communist politician and writer and member of the Dutch Parliament. Read more about this archive. The only access to this archive is a provisional list and a card system recorded in partial lists. Additional inventory and organization are highly desirable to provide researchers with easier access to this archive.
Netherlands; persons; communism
Riemens, Johan W.E.
Period 1945-1998. Size 8,25 m.
Johan Riemens (1918-2004) was secretary of the Netherlands-Indonesia Association and editor of the weekly magazine De Brug [The Bridge] and De Derde Weg [The Third Way], a magazine of the homonymous peace movement. Read more about this archive. The IISH has only a provisional placement list for this archive. Additional inventory and organization are highly desirable to provide researchers with easier access to this archive.
Netherlands; people; peace
Sozialistische Monatshefte
Period 1897-1911. Size 3,5 m.
The correspondence of Joseph Bloch (1871-1936), editor of the Sozialistische Monatshefte (Socialist Monthly). Read more about this archive. Additional inventory and organization are highly desirable to provide researchers with easier access to this archive.
Germany; organizations; social democracy
Tom Küsters. Maquette of the battle field at Dien Bien Phu
IISH-call number: BG X1/57
A model of the battlefield at Dien Bien Phu (1954), where the French lost the struggle for hegemony, after which the de facto partition since 1945 of Vietnam (North and South Vietnam) into two separate states became official. The creator of the model, Tom Küsters, personally gathered documentation about the battle in Vietnam. That makes this model and the accompanying documentation special. The model is unfortunately damaged and needs reconstruction and restoration.
Vietnam: Battle of Dien Bien Phu
For more information about Adopt History or about the works and collections in the above list and the costs associated with the various projects, please contact: friends@iisg.nl.