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Uitgeverij VanTilt en het IISG nodigen u uit voor de presentatie van Het communistisch manifest, vertaald door Hans Driessen.In slechts twee maanden schreven Karl Marx en Friedrich Engels Het...
‘Deutsche Volksfront 1932-1939. Zwischen Berlin, Paris, Prag und Moskau’dr. Ursula Langkau-Alex
In drie delen, verschenen in het najaar van 2004, beschrijft Ursula Langkau-Alex de...
BackgroundFollowing an aborted coup attempt in October 1965, the Indonesian military organized what turned out to be one of the most horrifying massacres of the twentieth century. More than half a...
The conference brought together specialists on Russian and Soviet labour history from North America, Western and Eastern Europe, representing the 'state of the art' of current research in the...
De Koude Oorlog en de strijd in Vietnam hebben een enorme hoeveelheid propaganda-posters opgeleverd. China, Sovjet-Rusland en Cuba, de communistische landen die Noord-Vietnam steunden, stelden de...
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Nibedita Nag has donated Nepal Nag's diary from 1960 which can be considered as an unique document of the international communist movement. Comrade Nepal Nag attended the Meeting of Representatives...
[Collection highlight]
On May 5 Marx's Capital: An Unfinishable Project? was published.In 2013 the ‘Abteilung II’ of the Marx-Engels Gesamtausgabe (MEGA2) was finalized, including all the known economic writings of Marx...
Op 28 november opent het Nong Jiang Suo Institute-Museum in Guangzhou een tentoonstelling over het leven van Henk Sneevliet.Centraal in de tentoonstelling staan onder meer de belangrijke rol die...
The "Russian Question" was an absolutely central problem for Marxism in the twentieth century. Numerous attempts were made to understand the nature of Soviet society. In his new book Western Marxism...
The GULAG Press, containing "news" bulletins, posters, literary journals, albums and booklets, has been neglected by historians of the GULAG camp system until now. This has been caused, to a large...