Number: c 125.000 posters
Format: From 30x40 cm. till 200x600 cm.
Access: All posters are accessible through the catalogue. Search for 'poster' plus country, artist, organization, person, or subject.
Consultation: Available for exhibitions only. When digitized copies of posters are not available through the catalogue, originals can be consulted in the reading room, by previous arrangement only.
Reproductions: High resolution scans can be ordered - see rates.
Some important collections
The Netherlands
Political parties and organisations:
Socialist (OSP, RSP, RSAP, PSP), anarchist (Provo, Kabouter), social-democratic (SDAP, PvdA, AJC, VARA, SDVC) and communist (CPH/CPN) organisations.
Labour Unions:
Many neutral, Roman Catholic and Protestant unions.
Strikes, campaigns, and demonstrations on employment, shut downs, working conditions
Various campaigns and subjects:
Campaigns and demonstrations on universal suffrage, housing and squatter's movement (from coll. Staatsarchief); women's movement; racism, discrimination and migrants; education and universities; temperance; peace movement and antimilitarism; campaigns on health care; environment; youth movement; counter culture; nuclear energy and weapons.
Campaigns on international solidarity (Southern Africa, Vietnam, Indonesia).
Dutch press advertising from collection Press Museum.
European 19th and early 20th century anarchist and socialist movement, European social democracy in the interwar period.
Postwar left-wing parties, radical socialist, communist and anarchist factions. Trade unions, women's movement; student movement; peace movement; third world movement and international solidarity.
By country:
- Angola: MPLA.
- Argentine: Partido Socialista 1920s and 1930s.
- Australia: Aborigines, anti nuclear weapons and energy 1980s.
- Austria: many SDAP Deutsch-Österreichs from 1913-1933 and from 1946 onwards, anarchists 1920s.
- Belgium: Belgische Werklieden Partij, Belgische Socialistische Partij, Alternative Libertaire, trade uinons, working conditions.
- Chili: left-wing parties 1971-1973 and exile years 1970s and 1980s.
- China: many posters from the period of the Cultural Revolution and the 1970s and 1980s (collection Stefan R. Landsberger).
- Cuba: Partido Comunista, ICAIC and OSPAAAL 1960s and 1970s.
- Czechoslovakia: Kommunistische Partij, Burgerforum, first free elections and new parties ca. 1990.
- England: socialism 19th century, Labour Party from 1910 onwards, Revolutionary Communist Party, anarchists, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Anti Nazi League, Anticopyright Network.
- France: revolution 1848, Paris Commune 1870-1871, Parti Ouvrier, SFIO/Parti Socialiste from 1906 onwards, PCF from 1924 onwards, PSU and many other radical left-wing parties, candidature Juquin 1988, anarchists from 1889 onwards and Fédération Anarchiste from 1946 onwards, CGT from the 1930s onwards, CFDT, CGT-FO, campaigns against racism and discrimination, Mouvement contre le Racisme et pour l'Amitié entre les Peuples, peace movement 1930s and from the 1970s onwards, campaigns on Spain 1930s, revolution May '68
- Germany until 1940: SPD, VSPD, USPD, KPD and centre and right-wing parties, FAUD, Ruhr-question, Saarplebiszit.
- FRG from 1945 onwards: SPD, Grünen, Alternative Liste, Demokratische Sozialisten, KPD, DKP and many other communist parties from 1945 onwards, Deutsche Gewerkschafts Bund and affiliated unions, campaigns on the police, justice, Berufsverbote, registration of personal data, radicals/Autonome and solidarity with Baader-Meinhof, RAF. Squatter, women, peace movement, Klaus Staeck/Edition Staeck.
- GDR 1945-1989: political parties in the Soviet zone 1945-1946, first free elections 1990.
- Italy: PSI, PCI 1970s, Federazione Anarchica Italiano and other anarchist factions. Japan: trade unions around 1990.
- Kurds/Kurdistan: liberation struggle from the 1970s onwards.
- Mexico: Partido Laborista Mexicano 1920s.
- Mozambique: Frelimo.
- Nicaragua: FSLN 1979-1985, alphabetisation and propaganda from 1980 onwards.
- Palestines/Palestine: PLO. (collection Jan van Keulen)
- Portugal: MFA, political parties and trade union movement around the 1974 revolution.
- El Salvador: FMLN 1981-1982.
- South Africa: ANC, first non-racial elections 1994.
- Spain: left-wing organisations and Republican government organisations during the Civil War 1936-1938, socialist and communist parties 1970s and 1980s, CCOO en CNT; occupation University of Barcelona 1971.
- Turkey: TKP, TKP-ML and many left-wing organisations from 1970s onwards, DISK and affiliated unions.
- USA: Black Panthers, student revolt Berkeley.
- USSR: posters from government publishing houses mainly from the 1920s and 1930s, and from the 1970s and 1980s.
International Organizations:
Workers' movement: International Socialist Workers and Trade Union Congress 1896. Socialist International from 1957 onwards. International Labour Olympiad and Sozialistische Arbeiter-Sport-Internationale 1925-1935. Internationale Situationiste. Allgemeiner Jüdischer Arbeiter-Bund in Central Europe beginning of the 20th century.
Trade union movement: IFTU/ICFTU 1920s and from the 1970s onwards, EFTU, CLAT and affiliated organisations. International Labour Office.
Peace movement: War Resisters' International, World Peace Council, Fax Posters Against Nuclear Testing.
Youth movement: IUS, WFDY, World Festival of Youth and Students 1947-1989, OCLAE.
International solidarity: International Red Help, Amnesty International, UNO, UNESCO, poster series on 200 years Human Right 1989