Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

WIP Video

Working group Indigenous People (WIP)

Documentaries and films on indigenous people recorded on 13 VHS videotapes.
Signatures: BG V2/414 - BG V2/426

1. Videotape BG V2/414
Culture against cultures 0:00
Dobbelis ija ji beaivvi 0:35
Saivui (1990) 1:22
Let's dance (1991) 1:55

2. Videotape V2/415

3. Videotape BG V2/416
Sedna: the making of myth (1992) 0:00
Coppermine (1992) 0:59
Tin pis run 1:56

4. Videotape BG V2/417
Paths of the Maya (1993) 0:00
Sapmi: the Sami people in Norway (1990) 0:49
The sultan's burden 1:24
incident at Oglala 2:12

5. Videotape BG V2/418
Black man's houses (1992) 0:00
Eora Corroboree (1987) 0:58
The land of the lightning brothers (1987) 1:54

6. Videotape BG V2/419
Uluru (rock?) (1987) 0:00
Waiting for Harry (1980) 0:56
Exile and the kingdom 1:52

7. Videotape BG V2/420
To the last drop of our blood 0:00
The last blockade (1992) 0:15
Babakiueria (1987) 0:41
Benny and the dreamers 1:11
Aboriginal Australië I+II 2:04
The lost tribe/Scandal (1988) 3:05

8. Videotape BG V2/421
To hold our ground 0:00
Ishi, the last yahi (1991) 0:34
Flames in the forest 1:31
Rebels of the forgotten land 1:57
Follow the rainbow (1992) 2:51

9. Videotape BG V2/422
Invisible enemy 0:00
The mursi - the land is bad 0:53
Navajo talking picture (1986) 1:47
The Kayapo 2:27

10. Videotape BG V2/423
The spirit within 0:00
Uranium 0:51
How can one own the sky 1:40
The condor and the gull 2:03
Jungle fever 3:01

11. Videotape BG V2/424
No white people can help us (1991) 0:00
The shock of the other (1992) 0:03
Songs & tears of nature 0:59
Te Rua (1991) 1:54

12. Videotape BG V2/425
Kenyan trilogy 0:00
Broken rainbow (1985) 2:36
At the edge of the conquest 3:25

13. Videotape BG V2/426
From the heart of the world 0:00
The journey back (1993) 1:27