Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Lecture by Dr Max Lane

23 August 2018
IISH, Amsterdam, 16.00 hrs

'The Dynamics of Political Radicalization in Indonesia Today: Labor, Left Regroupment and Ideological Curiosity'

Abstract: As Indonesia heads towards Parliamentary and Presidential elections in 2019 commentators naturally focus on electoral politics. But are there deeper developments occurring and manifesting outside the electoral sphere? This talk will look at the interconnections between the rise and fall of labour militancy since 2010, initiatives for regroupment among left-oriented trade unions, activist groups and political party groups in 2018 and an increasing ideological curiosity among youth, reflected in new publications, discussion groups and campaign activities.

Max Lane is a Visiting Lecturer at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Gajah Mada University. He is author of UNFINISHED NATION: Indonesia Before and After Suharto (Verso 2008); CATASTROPHE IN INDONESIA (Seagull 2010); DECENTRALISATIO)N AND ITS DISCONTENTS: An Essay on Class, Political Agency and National Perspective in Indonesian Politics (ISEAS 2014); UNFINISHED NATION: Ingatan Revolusi Aksi Massa dan Sejarah Indonesia  Djaman Baroe, 2014, 2018); INDONESIA AND NOT, POEMS AND OTHERWISE: Anecdotes Scattered (Djaman Baroe 2016); INDONESIA TIDAK HADIR DI BUMI MANUSIA: Pramoedy, Sejarah dan Politik (Djaman Baroe 2017, 2018) and The Politics of Indonesia's Trade Unions: An Introductory Essay (ISEAS, 2018 Forthcoming). He is also the translator of Pramoedya Ananta Toer's This Earth of Mankind and its three sequels; of Arok Dedes and The Chinese in Indonesia. He is the translator of Rendra's The Struggle of the Naga Tribe and of many of Rendra's poems. He was Founding Editor of INSIDE INDONESIA magazine in 1983 and later National Coordinator in Australia of Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor (ASIET) through most of the 1990s. He was commentator on Indonesian affairs for Green Left Weekly newspaper from 1990-2007. His current Blog is 

IISH Seminar:
The seminar is open to the public, but with regard to accommodation, we would like you to register with Jacqueline Rutte,