Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

International People's Tribunal 1965, website launch

17 December 2014

The International People’s Tribunal on 1965 Crimes Against Humanity in Indonesia invites you to attend the “Soft Launching” of the website of our organization.


12.00‐12.05 Opening MC Joss Wibisono
12.05‐12.15 Welcoming speech by the IISH Director of Research Prof Leo Lucassen
12.15‐12.30 Opening speech by the representative of the IPT 1965  Foundation + 3 minute film with Saskia Wieringa and Nursyahbani (coordinators of the Foundation)
12.30‐12.40 Introduction by Prof (Emeritus)Nico Schulte Nordholt
12.40‐13.30 MeetingThe Survivors:
Ibanuri Sudharsono, Sarmadji, Yusuf Sudrajat
Moderator: Joss Wibisono
Translator: Lina Sidarto
13.30‐13.45 Presentation of the website by Bangaip and Yusuf Sudrajat
13.45‐14.15 BREAK
14.15‐14.30 Presentation by Martha Meijer on "Impunity in Indonesia: 50 years of Injustice"
14.30‐15.35 Panel discussion:
Martha Meijer, Dr Frederiek de Vlaming, Prof Schulte Nordholt, Francisca Patipilohy
Moderator: Ratna Saptari
15.35‐15.50 How to get involved with IPT by Sri Tun Ruang and Fediya Andina
15.50‐17.30 Film
17.30‐18.00 Press Meeting organized by Aboeprijadi Santoso and Lina Sidarto

International People's Tribunal on 1965 Crimes Against Humanity in Indonesia
Secretariat in Indonesia, Jl. Diponegoro 74, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia,
in the Netherlands, Willem de Zwijgerlaan 134, 2582 EV, The Hague