Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Archival transfer project with South Africa

From October 2012 until April 2013 I will spend a lot of time on an archival transfer project with South Africa funded by the Dutch embassy in Pretoria. Within the framework of this project, (spare) copies of archival and audio-visual items from the anti-apartheid and southern Africa solidarity collection of the International Institute of Social History will be transferred to South Africa - both digitally and in hard copy. The main recipients of this archival materials will be the archives of the African National Congress (see:, the South African History Archives (SAHA) and the Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory, both in Johannesburg. The ANC archives will mostly receive digital copies of photographs, slides, video's etc. relating to the work of the ANC in exile - especially in The Netherlands, but also on Mazimbu and the ANC's Solomon Mahlangu Freedom College in Tanzania. Besides, spare copy books, brochures, periodicals, posters, etc. will be sent to SAHA and redistributed by them to various archives and research institutions in South Africa.

More information on this project:

The building of the National Heritage and Cultural Studies Centre at the University of Fort Hare, which houses the archives of the African National Congress and other liberation movements