Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Seminar: Inspiration from afar: Responses to the Russian Revolution in the Dutch world

17 November 2016
Huygens ING (tevens locatie Spinhuis) Oudezijds Achterburgwal 185, 1012 DK AMSTERDAM

2017 will mark the centenary of the Russian February and October revolutions. Few events in the twentieth century at the same time evoked such indignation and such admiration. The Russian Revolution remained a source of controversy and inspiration in the period after 1917, marked by military interventions and civil war, hunger, social experiments and political repression. This symposium deals with the reception of the revolution and its aftermath in the Netherlands and the Dutch empire.
We have gathered an exciting group of people who have indicated their willingness to participate with contributions covering the entire geographic spread of the Dutch Empire and beyond, and contributions on a wide variety of topics, ranging from Dutch Communists and the Comintern to the Dutch reception history of the Hammer and Sickle.
The symposium is organized by dr.
Ron Blom (Stadsarchief Amsterdam), dr. Dennis Bos (Leiden University) and dr. Pepijn Brandon (VU Amsterdam and IISH) and takes place at the Institute for the History of the Netherlands Huygens ING in Amsterdam on 17 November 2016. The full program can be found below. A limited number of seats is available for those who want to attend the symposium, but only on the basis of prior registration. For more information or


NB Titels lezingen in het Engels, maar de lezingen zelf zullen (afgezien van die van Rianne Subijanto) in het Nederlands zijn.

9:30                                                     Welcome + Introduction: Pepijn Brandon (Vrije Universiteit / IISH)

9:45-10:45                                          Session 1: Social struggles
Wouter Linmans, Leiden University
‘Amsterdam, November 1918. Memory and myth of a revolutionary failure’

Matthias van Rossum, IISH
‘Red Dreams, Yellow Danger. Internationalism and racism in Dutch maritime labour movements (1917-1930)’

10:45-11:00       Pauze

11:00-12:30                                     Session 2: Political movements and figures

Ron Blom, Amsterdam City Archive
‘David Wijnkoop: troublesome intermediary between Amsterdam and Moscow’

Dennis Bos, Leiden University
‘The Dutch diffusion of the hammer and sickle: a cultural history’

Bert Altena, Erasmus University Rotterdam
‘Dutch Anarchists and the Russian Revolution’

12:30-14:00        Lunch

14:00-15:30                                        Session 3: The colonial world

Rianne Subijanto, CUNY
‘Communists in colonial Indonesia and Islam after the Revolution’

Klaas Stutje, IISH
‘“Volk van Java, de Russische Revolutie houdt ook lessen in voor U”. De ISDV, het bolsjewisme, en het spook van het anarchisme’

Karwan Fatah-Black, Leiden University
‘Red erasure. How the communist allegiance of Anton de Kom was washed from public memory’

15:30-17:00                                        Comments and final discussion

Commentator: Marcel van der Linden (IISH)