- Number: Ca. 36.300 prints (as of 1.1.2003)
- Format: Drawings, prints, cartoons, illustrations
- Access: The prints are accessible through the catalogue. Search for 'print' or 'drawing' plus artist, organisation, person, or subject
- Consultation: Available for exhibitions only. Originals can be consulted in the reading room by previous arrangement.
- Reproductions: High resolution scans can be ordered - see rates.
Some important collections
The Netherlands
Supplements to De Kroniek 1895-1898 and De Amsterdammer 1886-1932.
Cartoons from Zondagsblad Het Volk and De Notenkraker 1902-1936, De Telegraaf 1909-1935, het Geïllustreerd Zondagsblad voor Katholieken and the Amsterdamsche Courant, 1896-1913.
Front pages De Nieuwe Amsterdammer 1914-1918 (Piet van der Hem, Jan Sluijters, Willy Sluiter).
After-war material from De Volkskrant (Opland), Het Parool (Fritz Behrendt), Vrij Nederland (Jordaan, Peter van Straaten) and De Waarheid (Kafak, Kees Willemen).
Various cartoons from the collection Hartkamp (NEHA/EHB)
Original drawings:
Archive De Vlam 1945-1952 (Wim van Wieringen, Alex Jagtenberg), collections originals by Kafak, Jan Rot, Tjerk Bottema, Albert Funke Küpper, Albert Hahn, Albert Hahn junior, Fré Cohen, L.J. Jordaan, Willem, Kees Willemen, drawing of Alexander Cohen by K. van Dongen.
The Pressmuseum has many original drawings by Albert Hahn, Albert Hahn junior, Piet van der Hem, Leen Jordaan, Willem Winter, Eppo Doeve, Lex Metz, Charles Boost, Henk Gijsbers and Wim van Wieringen.
Other countries
- Belgium: 19th century material from La Cigale, Le diable-au-corps, Le Grelot and La Trique, front pages of Haro! 1919-1928 (A. Daenens), a few original drawings by GAL.
- Burma: political cartoons from the New Era Journal.
- England: various 19th century material, such as supplements to Punch.
- France: prints on the Paris Commune and the French-German war 1870-1871 and the Dreyfus-affaire, L'Album de L'Intransigeant, L'Aïeul 1894-1895, prints by Gill from L'Éclipse 1868-1869, Caran D'Ache from Le Figaro ca. 1896-1905 and Jules Grandjouan from La Voix du Peuple ca. 1907-1911.
- Germany: various 19th century material.
- Japan: original prints 1800-1865 on Dutch traders in Nagasaki. (For pictures and more information).
- Ireland: supplements to United Ireland and the Weekly Freeman ca. 1886-1893.
- Spain: collection original drawings and prints from the 1960s and 1970s, collected by J. Martinez.
- USA: prints on the 'Chicago Anarchists' 1887.
Compilations on the Boer war and World War I; a few satirical illustrated periodicals from Russia around 1906; compilations of works by Walter Crane (Cartoons for the Cause, 1896) and James Gillray (The Works of James Gillray, From the Original Plates). Circa 35 original drawings by the Russian caricaturist PEM (Pavel Pavlovic Matjunin) published in Paris by 'La Pensee Russe', 1950s and 1960s, anti-Chruscev, from the ACCR archive. Original drawings by Cliff Harper