Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Anarchism and Sexuality in Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking Countries

19 February 2010 to 20 October 2010

Ninth conference in the Socialism and Sexuality Series

The aim of this conference is to explore the connections between anarchist thought and activism in regions of extensive uptake of anarchist ideas, e.g. Spain, Portugal and Latin America, with respect to an important area of anarchist ideas and practice: sexuality.

This is an under-studied area in anarchist historiography and other disciplines, such as history of labour movements, and this is particularly the case in some understudied countries within these regions (especially Portugal and Brazil). As areas with large anarchist movements, they offer telling examples of how anarchism engaged with this important question.

Sexuality was taken up by anarchist movements as an example of their attempt to interconnect cultural, social and economic questions and forms of exploitation and as a response to broad issues of power differentials between men and women in society, the role of the Catholic Church and as an attempt to live and experience cultural change as part of the overall challenge anarchist movements have provided against capitalist social relations. This is relevant not just on a historical level but also has relevance to current debates on the relations between politics, sexuality, cultural change and identities. We invite papers on historical as well as present day intersections between anarchism and sexuality, and their implications for anarchist or libertarian practice. We would also encourage contributions on Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking Asia and Africa and their respective anarchist movements.

In addition to providing a forum for the discussion of the legacy and the present of anarchist thought, the conference aims to allow for a critical engagement with current theories that derive from the realities of countries generally unknown in British critical thinking, political science and sociology, not to speak of gender and sexuality studies.

For information, go to: Richard Cleminson (University of Leeds), (link sends e-mail)
Gwendolyn Windpassinger (Loughborough University), (link sends e-mail)

Abstracts (attached as word-documents)

  1. Pedro García Guirao (Instituto Cervantes de Praga), Pobres pero honradas. Lujuria burguesa y honorabilidad proletaria en las novelas breves de Federica Montseny: Poor but Honest. Bourgeois Lust and Proletarian Honour in the novellas of Federica Montseny (English abstract).
  2. Enrique Álvarez (Florida State University), Man Un/Made: Male Homosocial and Homosexual Desire in Anarchist Culture of the Spanish Civil War: English and Spanish abstracts;
  3. Isabel Jiménez-Lucena (Universidad de Málaga) and Jorge Molero-Mesa (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona), Good birth and good living. The (de)medicalising key to sexual reform in the anarchist media of inter-war Spain. (Abstracts)
  4. Arturo Sánchez García (PhD student, University of Kent), Ni dios, ni patrón, ni marido. Anarchist-feminism and Sexual Rights in Latin America (English and Spanish abstracts).
  5. Laura Fernández Cordero, (Universidad de Buenos Aires), Emancipación y sexualidad: Anarquistas en Argentina (1895-1925) (Spanish and English abstracts).
  6. Veronica Paola Raffaelli (Universidad de Buenos Aires-Universidad de Valencia), Mujer y amor libre en el neomalthusianismo anarquista, Generación Consciente 1923-1928 = Women and free love in anarchist neo-Malthusianism. (Abstracts)
  7. Gwendolyn Windpassinger (PhD student, Loughborough University), Queer theory and anarchism in post-2001 Buenos Aires (English and Spanish abstracts).
  8. Richard Cleminson (University of Leeds), Anarchism, Neo-Malthusianism and Eugenics in Spain and Portugal, 1900-1939: An Unlikely Combination? = El anarquismo y la eugenesia: una combinación poco probable? (English and Spanish abstracts).
  9. Xabier Cid (University of Stirling), Anarchism is Queer: Two Insights Into Manuel Rivas' Os libros arden mal (English abstract);
  10. Jules Falquet (Universidad de Paris Diderot), Hacia un análisis materialista de los arreglos amorosos entre lesbianas, de la pareja hasta la comunidad : ejemplos latino-americanos y europeos (Spanish, Portuguese and English abstracts).
  11. Agnès Toda i Bonet (Universitat Rovira i Virgili), Ovidi Montllor: la rebelión catalana; English abstract
  12. Laura Contrera and Leonor Silvestri, Scarfó/Di Giovanni: una ética amatoria anarquista incomprendida; Spanish abstract; English abstract and cv's
  13. Antonio Fernández de Ybarra, La transmisión visual del conocimiento: la sexualidad anarquista a través de Estudios (1928-1937) = Knowledge through visual transmission: anarchist sexuality in Estudios. Revista Ecléctica (1928-1937); Abstracts in Spanish and English.