Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations


Festival van de Opstand
Voor een keer opent het IISG op zaterdag haar deuren voor een festival met opstandige verhalen, muziekoptredens, rondleidingen...
High-cost Activism and the Worker Household
High-cost Activism and the Worker Household: Revolutionary Activism among Phillippine plantation workers....
Wertheim Centenary
A freelance seminar on Blind Spots and Preoccupation in Dutch and Indonesian Historiography on Decolonization that revives the...
Maoist Insurgencies in Asia and Latin America
Workshop The aim of the workshop is to compare Maoist insurgencies in various Asian and Latin American countries by addressing...
1968 - A view of the protest movements 40 years after, from a global perspective
International Conference of Labour and Social History (ITH) When we look back on the 68er protest movements, we are dealing with...
Mutiny and Maritime Radicalism in the Age of Revolution: A Global Survey
The conference explored the transnational dimensions of mutiny and maritime radicalism during the great cycle of war and...
Rebellious Families
The question why people rebel is one of the most important questions historians and social scientists have been grappling with...
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