Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Wertheim Centenary

4 June 2008 to 6 June 2008

A freelance seminar on Blind Spots and Preoccupation in Dutch and Indonesian Historiography on Decolonization that revives the theme of Ignorance as discussed by Wertheim in his last Master's Course at the University of Amsterdam in 1972/1973.
At the time Neo Liberalism was on the march and entered the arena of the social sciences. In his course Wertheim warned his students against the delusion of the day and ignorance, which kept the well-entrenched scientific knowledge on social inequality in developing countries and its role in foreign oppression and exploitation alive. It would be proof of the emancipation of social science from ideological inputs.

Discussiant: Dr. Mary van Delden, Dr. Saskia Wieringa, Dr. Ben White, Dr. Pieter Drooglever, Dr. Coen Holtzappel.
Special guests: Dr. Ien Ang and Dr. Ruth McVey.
The seminar is organized by Coen Holtzappel and Pieter Drooglever.

Programme of the seminar:

The Republican Camps. A notorious blind spot in Dutch and Indonesian historiography by Mary van Delden

The 1948 Affair; The danger of political correct analysis by Coen Holtzappel

Papua Nationalism; Another Blind Spot by Pieter Drooglever

The 1965Affair; a nest of blind spots by Coen Holtzappel

The 1965 Massacre; how to explain it by Saskia WieringaThe Bali massacre, a critical review of Clifford Geertz's evaluation by Ben White