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'Three Moments of Workers’ Struggle in their own Words: Oral History of Labour in post-Independence Amritsar city’In this paper Rana Behal proposes to study the history of working class struggle in... [Evenement]
The Future of Work in the Mirror of the PastOrganised byV.V. Giri National Labour Institute&Association of Indian Labour HistoriansVenue: V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDAFrom 26 untill ... [Evenement]
On November 1st Sanjay Kumar Sharma, Ambedkar University Delhi,  will give a lecture on: Cooked Food as Deterrence: Managing Prisons and Famine Relief in Colonial IndiaProfile: Dr. Sanjay Sharma is a... [Evenement]
Seminar Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Economische en Sociale GeschiedenisProgramma:16.00-16.05 opening16.05-16.35 boekpresentatie: Ulbe Bosma, The Sugar Plantation in India and Indonesia. Industrial... [Evenement]
X International Conference on Labour History organized by the Association Of Indian Labour Historians and V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, 22-24 March 2014 at V.V. Giri National Labour Institute... [Evenement]
Sedert 1967 zijn in India de Naxalieten actief, een maoistische guerillabeweging die het geweld niet schuwt en inmiddels ongeveer een kwart van het land onder controle heeft gebracht. Ook in enkele... [Evenement]
An International Workshop organized by Association of Indian Labour Historians (India) under the SEPHIS Programme and the International Institute of Social History  The workshop was held to discuss... [Evenement]
This is a exhibition of 53 photographs by Ravi Agarwal. Most of them were taken in the Indian state of Gujarat in 1997-1999, for publication in the book Down and Out. Labouring under Global... [Exhibition]
Since 1996 the International Institute of Social History has been actively collecting material on the social history of Bengal, an important area in Asia. This region, inhabited by some 200 million... [Collection highlight]
"Shroff, Money dealer, Hindoo, Delhi", sitting on his table in front of a Muslim customer. 'Their trade is the exchange of money, the giving change for rupees in pyce or copper coin, and for pyce in... [Collection item]
