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Report of the Imperial Court of Russia. The story of the attempt on Tsar Aleander II life in 1882. [Collection item]
After his emigration to the United States Dovid Edelshtat (1866-1892) started writing Yiddish poems of protest and wrath and became the poet of the Jewish toilers all over the world. His stirring... [Collection item]
Onlangs heeft het IISG een grote en kleurrijke collectie binnengekregen en geordend over de verzetsbeweging binnen het Amerikaanse leger in Vietnam. Tijdens de Vietnamoorlog deserteerden ongeveer 50,... [News]
De tentoonstelling 'Signs of Change: Social Movement Cultures 1960s to Now' in Exit Art Cultural Center, New York (20 September- 22 November 2008) presenteert grafiek en andere culturele uitingen van... [News]
How did Dutch colonial institutions govern diversity in North America, the Caribbean, Western Africa and Asia? How can we explain these institutions’ resilience and their lasting impact on modern... [Project]
Memories of Belonging is a three-generation oral-history study of the offspring of southern Italians who migrated to Worcester, Massachusetts, in 1913.Supplemented with the interviewees’ private... [Publication]
These transfers of sovereignty resulted in extensive, unforeseen movements of citizens and subjects to their former countries. The phenomenon of postcolonial migration affected not only European... [Publication]
"Sooner or later the American people are going to wake up" - Emma Goldman, 26 november 1919 [Item of the Day]
'Op 5 december 1929 bespraken drie Duitse immigranten in café Micholob in New York City boven een bord zuurkool met varkensvlees en mosterd de mogelijkheid om nudisme in de VS te introduceren. Bij... [Item of the Day]
De Emergency Quota Law van 19 mei 1921 was ontworpen om de immigratiestroom naar de VS in te dammen. Het toelatingsbeleid werd afgestemd op de omvang van de verschillende bevolkingsgroepen die al in... [Item of the Day]
