Richard Zijdeman

Richard L. Zijdeman obtained his PhD at the Interuniversity Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology (ICS), Utrecht University in 2010. His main research focuses on social stratification structures and how and why people are moving across these structures (mobility / status attainment). He thereby focuses specifically on the issue of how technological changes (e.g. industrialization, internet, means of transportation) facilitate opportunities or raise barriers for such movements. Currently the focus of his research is on gender segregation and female labour force participation in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
In his research, Zijdeman uses quantitative sources with occupational data: mainly digitalized personal records such as marriage records, as well as digitalized register data, such as censuses. In order to understand the influence of technological change he also uses detailed regional data on technological innovations.
Zijdeman is a (part-time) postdoctoral fellow at the CLIO-INFRA project at the International Institute of Social History. He is also an Honorary Research Fellow at the Department of Applied Social Science of the University of Stirling and co-founder of the international academic collaboratory HISCO. He is involved in several research projects, e.g. the project "Towards Open Societies" and the HIS-CAM-project.
Richard Zijdeman has joined the research team of the ERC-project "United We Stand" at Utrecht University to work on issues of household formation and marriage patterns.
International refereed journals
Lambert, P.S., R.L. Zijdeman, M.H.D. van Leeuwen, I. Maas and K. Prandy. 2013. The construction of HISCAM: A stratification scale based on social interactions for historical comparative research. Historical Methods,46(2), 77-89. DOI:10.1080/01615440.2012.715569.
Maas, I. and R.L. Zijdeman. 2010. Beyond the local marriage market: The influence of modernization on geographical heterogamy. Demographic Research, 23(33), 933-962.
Zijdeman, R.L. and I. Maas. 2010. Assortative mating by occupational status during early industrialization. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. 28(4), 395-415.
Zijdeman, R.L. and P.S. Lambert. 2010. Measuring social structure in the past. A comparison of historical class schemes and occupational stratification scales on Dutch nineteenth- and early-twentieth century data. Revue Belge d’Histoire Contemporaine 1-2: 111-141.
Zijdeman, R.L. 2009. Like my father before me: intergenerational occupational status transfer during industrialization (Zeeland, 1811-1915). Continuity & Change, 24(3), 455-86. DOI:10.1017/S0268416009990166.
Zijdeman, R.L. 2008. Intergenerational status attainment in nineteenth century Zeeland, The Netherlands. A test of the influence of industrialisation, mass communication and urbanisation in 117 municipalities. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 28(5/6), 204-16). DOI: 10.1108/01443330810881259.
C. Snijders and R.L. Zijdeman. 2004. Reputation and Internet Auctions: eBay and beyond. In B. Lahno & U. Matzat (eds.), Trust and Community on the Internet, Opportunities and Restrictions for Online Cooperation. Special Issue Analyse und Kritik (26), Heft 1. Pp. 158-184.
National refereed journals
Zijdeman, R.L. and Mandemakers K. 2008. De rol van het gymnasiaal en middelbaar onderwijs bij de intergenerationele overdracht van status, Nederland 1865-1940. Pp. 149-72 in Honderdvijftig jaar levenslopen. De Historische Steekproef Nederlandse bevolking, edited by I. Maas, M.H.D. van Leeuwen and K. Mandemakers. Special Issue Mens & Maatschappij.
Books, or contributions to books
Maas, I., M.H.D. van Leeuwen and R.L. Zijdeman. 2012. A plea for an integrated approach. In E. Beekink & E. Walhout (eds.), Frans van Poppel: A sort of Farewell. The Hague: Ando.
Zijdeman, R.L. & R. Corten. 2012. De keuze van de huwelijksgetuige. Sterke en zwakke bindingen in gemeentelijke context (Nederland, 1851-1935). [Marriage witness selection. Strong and weak ties in municipality contexts (The Netherlands, 1851-1935). In B. Völker (ed.), Over gaten, bruggen en witte paters – sociaal kapitaal in sociologisch onderzoek [On holes, bridges and white padres – social capital in sociological research.]. Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers.
Zijdeman, R.L. and Mandemakers, K. 2009. "Rol' srednego obrazovaniia v mezhpokolennom perekhode professional'nogo statusa v Niderlandakh 1865-1940 gg." In: Istoricheskoe professiovedenie: sozdanie HISCO i issledovaniia professional'noi i sotsial'noi mobil'nosti, edited by V.M. Vladimirov and M.H.D. van Leeuwen. Barnaul, Izd-vo Altaiskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta.
Zijdeman, R.L. 2007. Nieuwe data, ‘nieuwe’ methode? Een sociologisch historische toepassing van multiniveau-analyse, in O.W.A. Boonstra, P.K. Doorn, M.P.M. van Horik, J.G.S.J. van Maarseveen en J. Oudhof (eds.), Twee eeuwen leven, wonen en werken in Nederland (19e en 20e eeuw), Den Haag, DANS en CBS, 441-455. [English title: Two centuries counting the Dutch. Research with the Digital Population, Labour and Housing Censuses of the Netherlands 1795-2001]
Publications, other: Invited presentations
2013 Towards global harmonization of occupations and measures of occupational stratification. A challenge for the e-Humanities. Invited lecture at the e-Humanities mini-symposium, DANS, NWO-building, The Hague, The Netherlands, March 1.
2012 The added value of hands-on sessions with syntax. Invited lecture at the workshop Teaching Introductory Quantitative Methods. Royal Statistical Society, London, UK. March 27-28.
2011 Present day research questions and occupations of the past. Invited lecture to the General Register Office for Scotland / National Records of Scotland. Edinburgh, Scotland, July 27th.
2010 Female labour force participation at marriage, France 1811-1986. Michaelmas Term Programme Special Guest Lecture. Stirling, Scotland, November 17th.
2010 The status attainment process. A short introduction into stratification sociology. University College, Utrecht, February 16th.
2008 Repeated measurements in the past. Applications of longitudinal historical data. Longitudinal Data Analysis for Social Science Researchers (5 days), Stirling University, Stirling, 11th – 14th August.
2007 Research Example: Working with historical data, in the course: Longitudinal Data Analysis for Social Science Researchers (5 days), Stirling University, Stirling, 27th – 31th August 2007.
2003 Toepassing van selectie- en gunningscriteria: een veldstudie. UWV-Amsterdam. Planetarium. Amsterdam, the Netherlands. April 14.