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Home > About IISH > Staff - by department > Staff - alphabetical > Kathinka Sinha-KerkhoffKathinka Sinha-Kerkhoff

PhD at the University of Amsterdam in 1995. Was Dy Director of Research at the Asian Development Research Institute (ADRI) in Ranchi from 1995 till 2010 and Professor at ADRI Patna in 2016-2017. Worked for three years as Region Representative (South Asia) for the IISH (Collection Department) based in Ranchi (Jharkhand, India). Presently Visiting Professor Institute of Human Development (IHD), Eastern Regional Centre (ERC), Ranchi. Has been involved in several individual as well as collaborative research projects supported by NWO/WOTRO, IDPAD/ICSSR/British Library, SEPHIS and IISH/KNAW/ICHR. Latest research project was completed in 2018 and related to Sexual and Reproductive Rights and Health of Vulnerable Working Women in Dhaka City (Bangladesh): Garment Workers, Sex Workers and Garo Beauty Parlour Workers. Main applicants of this research project were Ellen Bal and Lorraine Nencel (VU, University, Amsterdam).
Selection of Publications
"Ethnic and Religious Identification among Muslim East Indians in Suriname (1898-1954)" (along with Ellen Bal), in: Maria del Mar, Logrono Narbona, Paulo G. Pinto, and John Tofik Karam (eds), Crescent over another Horizon. Islam in Latin America, the Carribean, and Latino USA, Austin: University of Texas Press. 2015: 63-82
Colonising Plants in Bihar : Tobacco betwixt Indigo and Sugar Cane (1760-1900) Partridge India (2014), 486 pages
ISBN-10: 1482839121 ISBN-13: 978-1482839128
"Embedding Cigarette Tobacco in Colonial Bihar (India): a multi-dimensional task", in: Willem van Schendel (Ed.) Embedding Agricultural Commodities. Using histotical evidence (1840s-1940s), Routledge, London and New York, 2017: 99-119.
"Yellow Tobacco, Black Tobaco: Indigenous (desi) Tobacco as an Anti-Commodity", in: Sandip Hazareesingh and Harro Maat (eds). Local Subversions of Colonial Cultures. Commmodities and Anti-Commodities in Global History, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016: 29-49.
"Unequal Mobility Regimes of Indian Gates Communities: Converging Regional, National and Transnational Migration Flows in Indian Metropolitan Cities: (along with Ellen Bal and Ratnakar Tripathy), in: New Diversities 19 (3), 2017: 13-27.
"Unemployed Female Skilled Migrants from India to the Netherlands: The Entrepreneurial Self Undeer Structural Dependency" (along with Kate Kirk), in: Amba Pande (Ed.), Women in the Indian Diaspora. Historical Narratives and Contemporary Challenges, Singapore: Springer, 2018: 133-145.