Aad Blok

Studied history in Utrecht. After obtaining his masters in 1987, he came to the IISH in 1987, where he set up the Institute's publishing house, Stichting beheer IISG. Joined the Publications department in 1992. Has worked from 1998 as book review editor of the International Review of Social History, for which he compiled the annotated Bibliography until 2011, and as managing editor for the Institute's book publications. From July 2007 onward, he is the executive editor of the International Review of Social History.
Present position: executive editor of the International Review of Social History, and head of the task group Publications.
Main research interests: historiography of social and labour history; the role of intellectuals in the development of social-democratic ideology; the influence of informatization on labour and society.
Selected publications
Articles- 'Socialist Intellectual as Social Engineer. Jan Tinbergen's ideas on economic policy and the optimal economic order (1930-60)', Socialist History 27 (2005), pp. 43-59.
- 'Introduction', in Aad Blok and Greg Downey (eds), Uncovering Labour in Information Revolutions, 1750-2000 (International Review of Social History Supplement 11) (Cambridge [etc.], 2003), pp. 1-11.
- 'Jan Tinbergen en de Nederlandse sociaaldemocratie', in F. Becker, M. Ros, S. Stuiveling and B. Tromp (eds), Het vijftiende jaarboek voor het democratisch socialisme. (Amsterdam, 1994), pp. 197-227.
- (with M. Campfens, B. Duijsings en J. Lucassen) 'Oude stukken in een nieuw jasje. Het Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis, 1935-1990', in M. Krop, M. Ros, S. Stuiveling and B. Tromp (eds), Het elfde jaarboek voor het democratisch socialisme. (Amsterdam, 1990), pp. 127-168.
- (with Greg Downey) Uncovering Labour in Information Revolutions, 1750-2000 (International Review of Social History Supplement 11) (Cambridge [etc.], 2003)
- (with Keith Hitchins, Raymond Markey, and Birger Simsonson) Urban Radicals, Rural Allies. Social Democracy and the Agrarian Issue, 1870-1914 (Bern [etc.], 2002).
- (with D. Damsma, H. Diederiks and L. Heerma van Voss, eds) Generations in Labour History. Papers presented to the sixth British-Dutch Conference on Labour History, Oxford 1988 (Amsterdam, 1989).
- (with G. Steen en L. Wesseling, eds) De Historische Roman (Utrecht, 1988 ) (Grafiet nr. 8).
- 'Bibliography', International Review of Social History, 39 (1994), 115-146, 291-324, 473-515; 40 (1995), 147-181, 315-344, 477-510; 41 (1996), 107-136, 253-282, 437-467; 42 (1997), 111-145, 305-335, 487-518; 43 (1998), 161-193, 315-345, 499-534; 44 (1999), 119-149, 325-354, 509-538; 45 (2000), 131-161, 335-364, 513-544; 46 (2001), 111-146, 285-320, 485-518; 47 (2002), 141-176, 317-351-511-542; 48 (2003), 123-158, 301-333, 505-540; 49 (2004), 159-187, 323-353, 541-574; 50 (2005), 125-158, 313-344, 517-548; 51 (2006), 139-177, 321-356, 505-544; 52 (2007), 167-199, 319-351, 515-548; 53 (2008), 151-187, 337-376, 533-567; 54 (2009), 129-158, 307-322, 533-565; 55 (2010), 155-184, 341-363, 541-564; 56 (2011), 165-191, 357-384, 549-574; 57 (2012), 127-153, 317-346, 499-528.