Exactly three years after the process of reorganization began, the IISG started work with its new structure. The members of the Committee who had been responsible for overseeing the implementation of the Policy plan were: Chairman W. Thomassen, P. de Wolff, W. Duk and F.G.E. van Haersma Buma.
One of the most important changes in the organization of the Institute concerned the abandonment of the cabinet structure. The tasks which used to be carried out within separate divisions - such as acquisitions, cataloguing, information provision and research - have now been reorganised on a funcdonal basis. Acquisitions and cataloguing are now housed in the Collections department, while research is part of the Research department. This reorganization made it necessary to reallocate personnel working in the old divisions. As a result some of the former divisional heads are now employed as research specialists in the Collections department. One of the aims of this operation was to allow research to be carried out without the distractions presented by other work.