Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations


Here you will find web presentations that are intended to highlight a special collection, a particular aspect of a collection, or a new acquisition.
Bangladesh Posters: Left-wing Political Organisations
This is a selection of posters about left-wing political organisations from the collection of Bangladesh Posters, collected...
Bangladesh Posters: Labour Relations and Trade Unions
This is a selection of posters about labour relations and trade unions from the collection of Bangladesh Posters, collected...
Bangladesh Posters
Messages of Hope and OutragePosters are important as visual chronicles of history. In Bangladesh, a country with an...
روزنامه‌ی امان افغان در پژوهشکده بين‌المللی تاريخ اجتماعی
نشريه امان افغان در ۳۰ مارس ۱۹۲۰م  به مديريت عبدالهادی داوی (١٨٩٥-١٩٨٢م)  به زبان فارسی در کابل به نشر آغاز کرد. اين نشريه...
Yiddish Letters
Yiddish letters can be found in several archives which were acquired by the IISH in the course of time. Some of these are...
Arm en Rijk op het IISG
Arm en Rijk is het thema van de Maand van de Geschiedenis 2012. Het IISG houdt zich al sinds zijn oprichting in crisisjaar...
Arm in Zeeburgerdorp
Het IISG is gevestigd op enkele honderden meters van de plaats waar in de jaren '20 en '30 een armenkolonie huisde:...
Posters De Melkweg en Paradiso
De Melkweg en Paradiso zijn al decennia lang beeldbepalend voor het culturele leven in Amsterdam: vrijwel alle bekende...
Kruijt collection on Latin America
The collection of the Dutch professor Dirk Kruijt is composed primarily of research materials related to his broad field of...
Bolivian Social Movements 1992-2010
The Collection Bolivian Social Movements 1992-2010 was an outgrowth of a SEPHIS Project about 'Preserving Social Memory:...
