Women’s movement
East End Suffragettes: the photographs of Norah Smyth in London
Always impressive to see parts of our beautiful collection. How nice that we can occasionally share this and loan material for...
Boekpresentatie Rosa Manus (1881-1942) (VOLGEBOEKT)
Uitgeverij Brill, het Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis en Atria nodigen u gaarne uit voor de presentatie van...
Sadiqe Dowlatabadi Tour door het IISG
T/m 8 maart is de tentoonstelling Iran's Woman's Movement. On the Archive of Sadiqw Dowlatabadi te zien in Framer Framed,...
An afternoon with Sadiqe Dowlatabadi
An Afternoon with Sadiqe DowlatabadiFeminist Movement in the Twentieth-Century IranInternational Institute of Social History (...
ViVa: A Bibliography of Women's History
ViVa is a bibliography of women's and gender history in historical and women's studies journals. Articles in English, French,...
Maternalism Reconsidered
Beginning in the late 19th century, competing ideas about motherhood had a profound impact on the development and implementation...
La Novela Ideal and La Novela Libre
The IISH's holdings of the two fiction series (La Novela Ideal and La Novela Libre) published by La Revista Blanca are extensive....
Gendered Money
As economic citizenship was a pre-condition of full citizenship, the lack of economic autonomy was an important motivation during...
De Verklarende Kracht van Gender
De verklarende kracht van genderMannelijke historici aan het woordDiscussiemiddag
Decennia geleden vond de introductie plaats van...