United Kingdom
East End Suffragettes: the photographs of Norah Smyth in London
Always impressive to see parts of our beautiful collection. How nice that we can occasionally share this and loan material for...
Onderzoek naar antisemitisme en immigratie in 5 landen
Vanmiddag werden in Londen de uitkomsten gepresenteerd van een Europees onderzoek naar antisemitisme en immigratie. Naast...
Collective wage payments in England
The payment of wages at an inn to child-labourers of a brickyard in central England in 1871. From the accompanying text: "The...
B. Feigenbaum, Vi kumt a yid tsu sotsyalismus?
Benjamin Feigenbaum (1860-1932) was a true master of anti-religious satire. He used the religious knowledge he received from his...
Kamf un kemfer
The Russian Social Revolutionary Party in exile in Londen also tried to gain members among the Jewish workers of the immigrant...
Makhzor im tefiloh zokhoh leyomim hanoyrim ulekhol yemoys hashonoh
Anti-religious propaganda in the form of a prayer-book. Two pages from the book and an advertisement on the back for a would be...
Hagode shel pesakh: The Hagada
The Yiddish revolutionary propagandists tried to give Jewish tradition and the traditional Jewish festivals a new and socialist...
Gendered Money
As economic citizenship was a pre-condition of full citizenship, the lack of economic autonomy was an important motivation during...
Rare Book Restituted
Ms Lija I. L'vova, Director of the Gosudarstvennaia Obshchestvenno-Politicheskaia Biblioteka (GOPB, Socio-Political State Library...