Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Past and Present of the International Labour Organization

5 October 2007 to 6 October 2007
Brussels, Belgium

Programme and Participants

The ILO in Past and Present: A state of the art (Bob Reinalda, Radboud University of Nijmegen & Jasmien Van Daele, International Institute for Labour Studies-ILO, Geneva)

Beyond Gompers: The AFL, the creation of the ILO, and American labor dissent (Elizabeth McKillen, University of Maine)

ILO and women‟s economic citizenship in 1919 (Ulla Wikander, Stockholm University)

Albert Thomas, ILO, and IFTU (Reiner Tosstorff, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz)

The ILO’s objectives and activities during the interwar period: metropolitan and non-metropolitan labour

The ILO and welfare reform in South Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, 1925-1950 (Jeremy Seekings, University of Cape Town)

ILO and non-metropolitan labour, 1919-1939 (Susan Zimmermann, Central European University Budapest) 

ILO and the construction of a social Europe between the two world wars (Sandrine Kott, Geneva University)

ILO and unemployment 1919-1939 (Ingrid Liebeskind, postdoctoral researcher Geneva)

The ILO’s objectives and activities during the interwar period: rationalising labour and working conditions

The ILO as organizer: shaping the transnational housing scene in the 1920s (Pierre-Yves Saunier, CNRS Environnement Ville Société, University of Lyon)

The ILO and the International Management Institute: a fruitful strategy of influence (Thomas Cayet, EHESS Paris)

Intellectual workers and the ILO, 1919-39 (Christophe Verbruggen, Ghent University)

The ILO amidst Great Depression and War. The “Butler” and “Winant” Years (Stephen Hughes, Newcastle University)

The “Phelan” Years (Geert Van Goethem, AMSAB-Institute of Social History, Ghent)

Laquelle était la vraie France? France and the ILO during World War II (Jaci Eisenberg, ILO Archives, Geneva)

The “Morse” Years & From native labour to human rights. The ILO‟s standard-setting activities against the background of decolonization, 1940-1990 (Daniel Roger Maul, University of Munich/David A. Morse Foundation New York)

ILO 1970-1989, (Rebecca Gumbrell-McCormick, University of London)

No one less. The ILO and Argentina relationships between 1931 and 1937 (Norberto Ferreras, Brasil Universidade Federal Fluminense)

The ILO and the Argentine dictatorship 1976-83 (Victoria Basualdo, Columbia University)

International Federation of Christian Trade Unions and democracy/thinking on freedom (Patrick Pasture, Catholic University of Louvain)

ILO and relationship with AFL-CIO (John Logan, London School of Economics)

The ILO and the International Organization of Employers (Jean-Jacques Oechslin, Honorary President IOE)

The ILO, IPEC and child labour (Kristoffel Lieten, IISH-University of Amsterdam)

The ILO and the unorganized worker: From „Peoples of the World‟ to “informal sector” (Jeffrey Harrod, ISHSS, University of Amsterdam)

The limits of lobbying: ILO and Solidarnosc (Idesbald Goddeeris, Catholic University of Louvain)
The ILO in a globalizing world: join in or become obsolete? (Klara Boonstra, University of Amsterdam)
The ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (Jan Wouters, Catholic University of Louvain; President United Nations Association Flanders-Belgium)