Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

ELHN Conference - Call for Papers

31 January 2017

The 2nd European Labour History Network Conference will be held in Paris on November 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 2017, following the 1st Conference which was successfully held in Turin in 2015.

This conference will gather European Labor and Work history scholars and researchers, offering them a great opportunity to share the results of their research, to think together and to develop common projects. We welcome sessions and papers relating to various periods and places, adopting various issues and scales. The Conference will foster sessions and papers addressing the experience of workers together with the social, cultural, economic and political aspects of the issues of work and labor.

Existing working groups focusing on different issues within the ELHN have already proposed thematic sessions, but the program is widely open. New groups may propose thematic sessions, up to 31st January 2017. All proposals will be reviewed by a scientific committee, meeting in February 2017. Organizers of the accepted sessions will then gather authors of papers, either directly or through a call for papers. We will disclose the sessions CFPs by usual means (websites and electronic newsletters). By the end of Spring 2017, the Organization Committee will disclose the program of the Conference. 

For now, we ask the working groups to confirm their participation with a title and a brief abstract of the proposed session, in order to give to this 2nd conference the appropriate extent and vitality. In advance, we thank you.

The organization committee of the 2nd ELHN Conference

Proposals can be sent to:
Deadline for proposals: 31st january 2017