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Symposium Migration and Membership Regimes in Global and Historical Perspective

11 October 2013
Leiden University

Symposium on Friday 11 october 2013, 15:00 – 17:00, at Leiden University, Lipsius Building, Cleveringaplaats 1, room 1.48.

The recently published volume, Ulbe Bosma, Gijs Kessler en Leo Lucassen (eds.), Migration and membership regimes in global and historical perspective. An introduction (Leiden & Boston, Brill Publishers), is the second in the series Studies in Global Migration History and, as such, fits in the international research project ‘Global Migration History’ that aims to develop this new field of study.

To launch this volume, the Institute for History and the Research Profile Global Interactions (LGI) will organize a symposium with four specialists from the faculties of Humanities and Archaeology who will discuss the book from their own fields of expertise. Their specific comments will be followed by a roundtable with the editors, which will focus on the wider programmatic implications of the book for comparative research within the main research focus of the Faculty of Humanities, ‘Dynamics of Diversity’.

Whereas the first volume (Migration History in World History: multidisciplinary approaches, Jan Lucassen, Leo Lucassen & Patrick Manning eds., 2010) had a strong (multi-disciplinary) methodological angle, Migration and Membership Regimes deals with the very different way in which polities (from cities to empires) have classified and offered (partial, limited) access to their communities, and also how migrants as ‘invaders’ have taken over and transformed existing polities. The book consciously limits itself to the period before the rise of nation states, on which the bulk of mainstream migration studies has focused, and which has produced the dominating theoretical perspectives, such as (new) assimilation, integration, transnationalism, diaspora etc..

Based on case studies from Europe, Russia, Africa, China, the Americas and Southeast Asia over the past two millennia, the editors have developed a new typology that offers a better understanding of the way migrants create and change existing communities, and also how polities deliberately go and look for new members in order to strengthen or consolidate their economic, political and cultural power. Using the perspective of the polity, the editors aim to bring some order in the apparent multitude of variations and differences in the early modern and ancient world. This makes the volume a new starting point for further systematic comparative study (in time and space) of migration and membership regimes.


15.00-15.10: Welcome by the Dean, prof. dr. Wim van den Doel (with reservation)

15.10-16.10: Reviewing the volume
Prof. dr. Bas ter Haar Romeny (Institute for Religious Studies ), Prof. dr. Maarten Jansen (Faculty of Archaeology ), Prof. dr. Luuk de Ligt (Institute for History), Prof. dr. Hilde de Weerdt (Leiden Institute for Area Studies)

16.10-17.00: Roundtable: implications for comparative studies on migration and diversity
Prof. dr. Ulbe Bosma (Free University Amsterdam, IISH), Dr. Gijs Kessler (IISH), Prof. dr. Leo Lucassen (Institute for History), Prof. dr. Bas ter Haar Romeny (Institute for Religious studies, Leiden), Prof. dr. Maarten Jansen (Archaeology, Leiden),Prof. dr. Luuk de Ligt (Institute for History), Prof. dr. Hilde de Weerdt (Leiden Institute for Area Studies). Chair: Prof. dr. Jan Lucassen (International Institute for Social; History, IISH).