Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations


Boekpresentatie. 'Kom vrouwen, aangepakt!' De revolutie van socialiste Trien de Haan
 De West-Friese arbeidersvrouw Trien de Haan-Zwagerman (1891-1986) is al ver in de dertig en moeder van twee dochters als zij...
Conference: Anton Pannekoek (1873-1960) Ways of Viewing Science and Society
Anton Pannekoek (1873-1960) Ways of Viewing Science and Society is an Interdisciplinary international conference which explores...
Troelstra Collectiegids
Ter gelegenheid van de 150ste geboortedag van de dichter en politicus Pieter Jelles Troelstra (1860-1930) heeft het IISG een...
Socialist-revolutionary and anarchist propaganda
Click to see an enlarged picture, additional information and following pages if available Kamf un kemfer  B. Feigenbaum, Vi kumt...
Kamf un kemfer
The Russian Social Revolutionary Party in exile in Londen also tried to gain members among the Jewish workers of the immigrant...
B. Feigenbaum, Vi kumt a yid tsu sotsyalismus?
Benjamin Feigenbaum (1860-1932) was a true master of anti-religious satire. He used the religious knowledge he received from his...
Bundist election placards being posted
Bundist election placards being posted.
Bundist Postcard
This postcard is a good example of the bi-linguality of the Bund in Poland and the Baltic States during the Interbellum. This...
Poster announcing Bund meeting
Poster announcing Bund Youth-meeting.
Picture stamps for the Medem Club
In interbellum Poland the Bund not only operated as political party but was also very active in the socio-cultural field. The...
Exhibitions of Highlights of the Yiddish Collection
Five exhibitions of posters, photos and other documents 1. The Bund in pictures2. The Bund and Elections in Interbellum Poland3....
Troelstra Biografie
In 2010 is het 150 jaar geleden dat de dichter-politicus Pieter Jelles Troelstra werd geboren. Hij was de grondlegger van de...
Domela Nieuwenhuis, romantisch revolutionair
Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis (1846-1919), Nederlands beroemdste socialist, anarchist, 'us ferlosser'voor de Friezen, heeft...
Bep Spanjer
Een omvangrijke aanvulling op het archief van Elisabeth (Bep) Fisher-Spanjer kwam in januari 2008 binnen. Geboren in Amsterdam in...
The Libraries of Boris Sapir and David Batser
In the course of 2001, two private libraries were added to the Russian collections at the Institute. The original owners were...
Western Marxism and the Soviet Union
The "Russian Question" was an absolutely central problem for Marxism in the twentieth century. Numerous attempts were made to...
Hoezo kameraden?
Bijeenkomst over Marinus van der Goes van Naters, Hilda Verwey-Jonker en Han Lammers en de cultuur van ‘de partij’.IISG, 13 maart...
Deutsche Volksfront
Boekpresentatie ‘Deutsche Volksfront 1932-1939. Zwischen Berlin, Paris, Prag und Moskau’dr. Ursula Langkau-Alex In drie delen,...
Maoist Insurgencies in Asia and Latin America
Workshop The aim of the workshop is to compare Maoist insurgencies in various Asian and Latin American countries by addressing...
Ernest Mandel, rebel tussen droom en daad
Boekpresentatie ter gelegenheid van de publicatie van Ernest Mandel. Rebel tussen droom en daad Organisatie: The International...
Dimensions of Socialism
1Workshop Program „Dimensions of Socialism“  1. Politics & Power I: State, Society, Individual Todor Hristov (The University...
'Een sterke geest van vrijheid'
Boekpresentatie op 11 oktober 2000, 15.30 - 18.00Technische Universiteit, Delft Johan Willem Albarda (1877-1957) ontwikkelde zich...
Theory as History
Theory as HistoryErnest Mandel's historical analysis of world capitalism  IntroductionBelgian Marxist Ernest Mandel (1923-1995)'s...
Charisma and Emergent Social Movements
The Institute of Biography of the University of Groningen and the International Institute of Social History jointly organised an...
Wilhelm Dittmann : Erinnerungen
Vier Jahrzehnte deutscher Geschichte aus der Sicht eines sozialdemokratischen Politikers. Die Memoiren Wilhelm Dittmans (1874-...
Eduard Bernsteins Briefwechsel mit Karl Kautsky (1895-1905)
Die fast 1000 Briefe und ein halbes Jahrhundert umfassende Korrespondenz zwischen Bernstein und Kautsky, den Erben und...
Europäischer Sozialismus im Kalten Krieg
In den ereignisreichen Nachkriegsjahren entstand in West- und Osteuropa eine gemeinsame sozialistische Bewegung, die einer...
Die Anfänge der Zweiten Internationale
Die Geschichtsschreibung der Zweiten Internationale war bisher von der Perspektive der Sieger bestimmt, die entweder eine...
Fedor I. Dan und Otto Bauer
Die Edition umfasst wesentliche Teile eines Briefwechsels zwischen dem russischen Exilsozialisten Fedor I. Dan (1871 - 1947) und...
Central European Crossroads
During the four decades of the communist regime in Czechoslovakia a vast literature on working-class movements has been produced...
A Dream Deferred
This volume brings together the latest work in Russian labour history, based on exciting materials from previously closed...
Het Socialistenboek
Begin april 2008 verscheen Het Socialistenboek, een coproductie van IISG en uitgeverij Waanders. Het Socialistenboek is een...
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