Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations


Boekpresentatie Fragmenten uit mijn leven
Kelderuitgeverij nodigt u uit voor de feestelijke presentatie van Fragmenten uit mijn leven van Albert de Jong op vrijdag 12...
Reading Anarchism
Reading Anarchism is a series of events that examine the anarchist theoretical tradition. Reading Anarchism is part of an...
Peter van Straaten & Jo Spier
Virtuoze tekenaars van het Nederlandse levenDe expositie geeft een uniek beeld van het werk van de Nederlandse tekenboegbeelden....
Socialist-revolutionary and anarchist propaganda
Click to see an enlarged picture, additional information and following pages if available Kamf un kemfer  B. Feigenbaum, Vi kumt...
P. Kropotkin, Gesets un oytoritet
One of the many examples of 'classic' anarchist texts translated into Yiddish. 
A. Berkman, Der Kronshtater oyfshtand
A protest against the repression of the revolt of the Russian sailors by the Bolshevik authorities in Leningrad in 1921.  From...
Hagode shel pesakh: The Hagada
The Yiddish revolutionary propagandists tried to give Jewish tradition and the traditional Jewish festivals a new and socialist...
Yoysef Bovshover's Poeziyen
Yoysef Bovhover (1873-1915) who had just arrived in the United States from Riga when Dovid Edelshtat died, wrote an elegy on...
Dovid Edelshtat, revolutionary Yiddish poet
After his emigration to the United States Dovid Edelshtat (1866-1892) started writing Yiddish poems of protest and wrath and...
Exhibitions of Highlights of the Yiddish Collection
Five exhibitions of posters, photos and other documents 1. The Bund in pictures2. The Bund and Elections in Interbellum Poland3....
Debat: Domela Nieuwenhuis, een romantisch revolutionair
Boekpresentatie en debat georganiseerd in samenwerking met Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis (IISG)Weinig...
Domela Nieuwenhuis, romantisch revolutionair
Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis (1846-1919), Nederlands beroemdste socialist, anarchist, 'us ferlosser'voor de Friezen, heeft...
Labour Organizations and Sexuality
Workshop held by the Institut d'Histoire Contemporaine, Université de Bourgogne, Third session in a series of workshops on...
Robert Jasper Grootveld
"Dat de twintigste eeuw niet in zijn geheel ongemerkt aan dit land voorbij is gegaan, is eigenlijk maar te danken aan één persoon...
Free Love and the Labour Movement
Second session in a series of workshops on Socialism and Sexuality.  This seminar explored the sexual ideologies and behaviours...
Socialism and Sexuality
Begun in 1997 by Francis Ronsin (University of Burgundy, Dijon, France) and other scholars associated with the Institute of...
Archivo de Fernando Gómez Peláez
Reader Report (2001)La actividad militante de Fernando Gómez Peláez, durante el exilio español en Francia, estuvo estrechamente...
Ramón Álvarez Palomo
In 2004 the IISH received the personal papers of Ramón Álvarez Palomo (Ramonín), a leader in the Spanish anarcho-syndicalist...
José Ester Borrás
On 26 October 1913, José Ester Borrás was born in Berga (province of Barcelona, Spain). He was active in the anarchist youth and...
Anarchism and Syndicalism in the Colonial and Postcolonial World, 1870-1940
Narratives of anarchist and syndicalist history during the era of the first globalization and imperialism (1870-1930) have...
Anarchism, Revolution and Reaction
The period from 1898 to 1923 was a particularly dramatic one in Spanish history; it culminated in the violent Barcelona 'labor...
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