Bread from the Lion's Mouth
The newly awakened interest in the lives of craftspeople in Turkey is highlighted in this collection, which uses archival...
Congres: De toekomst van Migrantenorganisaties
Met: Simone Kukenheim, Leo Lucassen en Nadia MoussaidHet Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis en de HITB (Turkse...
Expositie 'Caricaturca'
Een tentoonstelling in het kader van 400 jaar handelsbetrekkingen met Turkije.Hoe leggen politiek tekenaars verslag van het...
Sosyal Tarih
Sosyal Tarih: Uluslararası Sosyal Tarİh Enstİtüsü Türkİye Bölümü bülteni.Editör: Zülfikar Özdoğan
Ethnic Tensions and Violence
Following the Amsterdam conference by Armenian and Turkish scholars (WATS), the NIOD institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide...
Workshop on Armenian Turkish Scholarship
For the last fifteen years the Workshop on Armenian Turkish Scholarship (WATS) has been the main forum where Turkish, Armenian...
Türkiye Bölümü
The Turkey department is since 2010 part of the activities of the Middle East and Central Asia desk of the IISH.Yirminci yüzyılın...
Herman van Renselaar Prize
Herman van Renselaar Prize for Turkish social history.Herman van Renselaar was for fifteen years the attaché for social affairs...
Lied uit den Vreemde - Gurbet türküsü
Op 23 december 2004 werd het boek Lied uit den Vreemde - Gurbet türküsü. Brieven en foto's van Turkse migranten 1964-1975...
Authoritarian Modernization in Turkey and Iran
The Triumphs and Travails of Authoritarian Modernisation in Turkey and IranTwentieth-Century History from Below
The practice of...
Miners and the State in the Ottoman Empire
The story of the miners of Zonguldak presents a particularly graphic local lens through which to examine questions that have been...
Turkeys Red Flank
A wealth of sources at the IISH provides context for the study of social history of Turkey, the Turkish Left, labour, and the...