This list provides an overview of the primary sources for the history of women and work in the archives and manuscript collections of the IISH.
Collection African Labour History
Period: 1900-1999.
Correspondence, lectures, articles and other documents, written and collected by Robin Cohen and Robert Fine (Warwick University), amongst other things documents concerning women in South Africa.
Collection documentation and leaflets Great Britain
Period: 1652-1990.
Containing several documents concerning women and political, economic and social issues.
Coordination Nationale d'Associations pour le Droit à l'Avortement et à la Contraception (CADAC)
Period 1991, 1994-2002.
Founded in 1990 the CADAC is a French cooperative body in which political organizations and trade unions participate; its aim is to defend such fundamental women's rights as those to abortion and to contraception.
European Trade Union Confederation Archives
Period: (1939-) 1950-2000 (-2009).
Containing some material on women (trade union) organisations and women's policy of the European Community and the European Parliament.
Period: 1979-1995.
Containing some documentation on woman workers in Indonesia.
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU Archives)
Period: 1949-1993.
Containing material concerning the Women's Committee of the ICFTU/ITS, the ICFTU World Women Conferences and the ICFTU/ITS Consultative Committee on Women Worker's Questions.
International Council of Social Democratic Women (ICSDW Archives)
Period: (1947-) 1955-1988 (-2007).
International Federation of Chemical, Energy and General Workers' Unions (ICEF) Archives
Period: (1912-) 1946-1995.
Containing documents relating to the Women Workers' Group and the Women Workers Conferences 1956-1986 and other documents concerning woman workers.
International Federation of Trade Unions (IFTU Archives)
Period: 1919-1953.
Containing documents on the Working Women Conferences 1920-1936.
International Federation of Workers' Educational Associations Archives
Period: (1945-) 1987-2003.
Containing documents relating to seminars on women in the global food industry.
International Labour Organisation (ILO Collection)
Period: 1919-1982.
Containing material concerning nightwork for women, the employment and condition of work of african women, a list of ILO instruments on women workers, documents about maternity leave for woman civil servants and a bibliography on the condition of work and employment of nurses.
International Metalworkers Federation Collection
Period: c. (1904-) 1946-1979.
Containing the agenda, minutes, reports and documentation of Women Workers' Conferences and the minutes of the Women's Commission.
International Textile, Garment and Leather Workers' Federation Collection
Period: 1896-1980.
Containg material from the International Textile, Garment and Leather Workers' Federation and their predecessors: Tailors, hatters and other textile workers' organizations, the International Boot and Shoe Operatives and Leather Workers' Federation and the International Textile, Garment and Leather Workers' Federation.
Labour and Socialist International Archives
Period: (1917-) 1923-1946 (-1958).
Containing the records of the women's organization within the SAI (Sozialistische Arbeiter-Internationale/Labour and Socialist International (SAI/LSI), documents on International Women's Conferences of the SAI, circulars of and files on the International Women's Committee and the correspondence of its secretariat
Labour Party (UK) Archives
Period: 1900-1967.
Containing records of the Women's Labour League and a minute book of the Standing Joint Committee of Industrial Women's Organisations.
Liaison Committee of Women's International Organisations
Period 1925-1977.
The Liaison Committee was founded as a cooperation of international women's organizations to promote the appointment of women in the bodies of the League of Nations and, in general, the influence of women in international affairs.
Palestinian Labour and Women's Movements Collection
Period: 1978-1994.
PTTI (International Federation of Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones) Archives
Period: 1913-2000.
Containing the Proceedings of meetings of PTTI-Women's Committees.
Sociedad de Socorros Mutuos 'Protección de la Mujer' Archives
Period: 1888-1979.
Containing the records of one of the first mutual societies for women in Chile.
World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) Archives
Period: 1945-1987 (-1989).
Containing a report on the activity of the W.F.T.U. concerning the principle of equality of wages for equal work between male and female labour, records concerning a conference of woman workers and the Second International Trade Union Conference on the Problems of Women Workers (1964).
Women, Industry and trade unionism: the Gertrude Tuckwell Collection
Period: 1890-1920 (-1951).
Documents collected by Tuckwell: reports and comments on factory bills, documents relating to lead poisoning, industrial law cases, regulations, sweating and related subjects; documents concerning the Women's Trade Union League 1895-1918; documents concerning conferences on women's labour.
Women's International Democratic Federation
Period 1950-1985.
The Women’s International Democratic Federation (WIDF) was founded in December 1945 with the aim of preventing the recurrence of war and the resurgence of fascism for the sake of well being of the women and children.
Womyn's Agenda for Change Archives
Period: 2001-2002.
The Womyn’s Agenda for Change (a NGO based in Cambodia) was a research programm for the working conditions and economic and social pressures on women in the garment industry in Phnom Penh.