Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations


Presentatie Themanummer Russische Revolutie Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis
Naar aanleiding van honderd jaar Russische Revolutie presenteert Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis op vrijdag 10 november bij de...
Event: Iran and the Russian Revolution in Archive and Storytelling
Time: 16:00What: The 1917 Russian Revolution is frequently looked at from a Western perspective. Hundred years after the...
Conference: Connecting to the Masses. 100 years from the Russian Revolution: From Agitprop to the Attention Economy
Time and programme will follow.Connecting to the masses is critical for the success of any movement, resurrection, protest, and...
Seminar: Inspiration from afar: Responses to the Russian Revolution in the Dutch world
2017 will mark the centenary of the Russian February and October revolutions. Few events in the twentieth century at the same...
De Strijd-rondleiding: Leve de revolutie! Over leiders en charisma
Dit najaar zendt de VARA de serie De Strijd uit, over de geschiedenis van de arbeider in Nederland. Hiervoor is veel onderzoek...
Louise Michel
Il y a 100 ans, le 9 janvier 1905, Louise Michel nous quittait. A cette occasion, l'Institut International d'Histoire Sociale...
Sylvain Maréchal - l'«Homme sans Dieu»
Le 15 août 1750, un athéiste socialiste parmi les plus radicaux de l'histoire est né à Paris. Sylvain Maréchal, ce poète dont le...
10 juillet 1794
En 2002, l'Institut recevait les papiers personnels d'Yvan Craipeau, ancien secrétaire de Trotsky en 1935, et militant trotskyste...
Hartog de Hartog Lémon
Boekpresentatie Hartog de Hartog Lémon, 1755-1813, Joodse revolutionair in de Franse tijd door Dr. Salvador Bloemgarten  Op...
Second Sadighi Annual Lecture
For the Second Sadighi Annual Lecture, Prof. Asef Bayat (University Of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) presents his paper Revolutions...
1968 - A view of the protest movements 40 years after, from a global perspective
International Conference of Labour and Social History (ITH) When we look back on the 68er protest movements, we are dealing with...
The Imaginary Revolution
The events of 1968 have been seen as a decisive turning point in the Western world of even mythical significance. The author...
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