Maral Jefroudi

Maral Jefroudi studied Political Science, Sociology and History at Bogazici University, Istanbul. She obtained her MA degree at the Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish History, BU with her thesis entitled A Re-Politicized History of Iranian Transit Migrants Passing Through Turkey in the 1980s. She worked as an Instructor at the Ataturk Institute from 2008 to 2010. Since October 2010 she is a PhD Researcher at the IISG and Leiden University writing a PhD thesis on the social history of labor in the Iranian Oil Industry (1954-1982) as a part of the project A Social History of Labour in the Iranian Oil Industry (1908-2008).
Articles"The Post-Election Uprisings in Iran and the State's Loss of Legitimacy," Journal transform!europe, Issue 05/2009. Available online
"1 Mayıs 1977: Hafıza, Adalet ve Devrimin Hayaleti", Mesele, May 2007, No 5.
Available online
"Isgal Edilen 'Içeri': Iran Sineması, Yemek ve Mahremiyet", Yemek ve Kültür, April 2006, no. 5.
"Osmanlı-Türk Bürokrasisinde Düzen ve Degisim"/ "The Order and Change in Ottoman- Turkish Bureaucracy," Workshop II: Birey ve Bürokrasi / Individual and Bureaucracy, Faculty of Political Sciences, Istanbul University, March 12-13, 2009.
"'Bilinen' Kadinlardan Olmamak: Söylentiler ve Güvenlik Kaygılari Altında Transit Göçmen Kadınlar" / "Being different from the "Known" Women: Transit Migrant Women Afflicted with Rumors and Security Concerns." Paper presented at the "Asagıdakiler ve Yukarıdakiler," Graduate Conference, Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish History, Bogazici University, Istanbul, March 26-28, 2009.
Jafar Modarres Sadeghi, Man Ta Sobh Bidaram/Gavkhuni - Ben Sabaha Kadar Uyanıgım, Metis, April 2007. (Persian to Turkish)
Jacob Stevens, "The Prisons of the Stateless," "Devletsizlerin Zindanları," in New Left Review 2007 Türkiye Seçkisi, Agora Kitaplıgı, 2008. (English to Turkish)
Gönül Dönmez-Colin, Cinemas of the Other - Otekinin Sinemaları, Intellect Books, 2006, Bristol - Agora Kitapligı, 2011 - to be published (English to Turkish)