Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Runaways: Desertion and Mobility in Global Labor History, c. 1650-1850

22 October 2015 to 23 October 2015

International Institute of Social History
Department of History, University of Pittsburgh

Early modern globalization depended on the mobility and work of millions of workers who performed work that was crucial to the production, transport, protection and warfare. Bound by contract, slavery or otherwise, most of the labour relations through which sailors, soldiers, craftsmen, convicts and slaves were mobilized and employed contained elements in which withdrawal from the labour relation was a punishable offence. Though the lives of the working people were ordained by powerful trading companies and state structures, these workers often tried to pursue their own social and economic interests. Walking away from work, often breaching contract or law, was a widespread phenomenon that had a crucial role in this early stage of globalization.

This conference aims to investigate the phenomenon of desertion from a comparative and global (labour) history perspective. In an earlier meeting, some first lines of the history of desertion in the Dutch empire have been explored, comparing cases from Europe, the Atlantic and Asian realms. This conference aims to broaden the perspective, bringing together (comparative) case-studies related to workers and communities from European and non-European histories.

‘Desertion’ – as understood by authorities – was absence from work: a breach of a labor contract or an act of defiance. For this conference, we define desertion broadly (and thus not limited to the military sphere) as ‘walking away from work where this was a punishable offence in labour relations underpinned by contracts, obligations or coercion’. It will compare different types of workers. The conference will also explicitly engage with perspectives ‘from below’. Walking away from work was perhaps the most common of all forms of quotidian acts of disobedience amongst the early modern workforce. The study of desertion provides information on the workers’ perception of economic opportunity, conditions of work, strategies of revolt and finally, how these practices among workers shaped the (much larger) history of imperial and economic expansion in the early modern period.

Desertion of workers thus provides an interesting perspective on early global connections. The mobility and boldness of deserting workers is not surprising. Throughout the world, a vast majority of them were often migrants. From this perspective, desertion can be related to the work place, labour conditions and workers strategies, but also to the opportunities offered by its economic and political environments, varying from ‘open’ and ‘empty’ landscapes offering opportunities for settlement and freedom, to ‘urban’ and economically developed areas providing opportunities for (new) work, but also anonymity and shelter.

Organizing committee:

Titas Chakraborty (link is external), University of Pittsburgh
Marcel van der Linden, International Institute of Social History
Leo Lucassen, International Institute of Social History
Marcus Rediker (link is external), University of Pittsburgh
Matthias van Rossum, International Institute of Social History

For more information please contact Matthias van Rossum, (link sends e-mail)