Hans de Beer

Hans de Beer obtained his PhD at Utrecht University in 2001. Since October 2009 he is volunteer researcher at the IISH. His main interest is anthropometric history. His current research project is on the biological standard of living in Suriname in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Selected publications
International refereed journals- Beer, H. de. 'Physical stature and biological living standards of girls and young women in the Netherlands, born between 1815 and 1865'. History of the Family 15 (2010) 60-75.
- Beer H. de. 'Observations on the history of Dutch physical stature from the late-Middle Ages to the present. Econ Hum Biol. 2, 1 (2004) 45-55.
Beer, J.J.A. de. 'Beroepskeuze, levensstandaard en lichamelijke ontwikkeling. De kleine sigarenmaker in Utrecht ca 1850'. Tijdschrift voor sociale geschiedenis 19 (1993) 216-235.
Beer, J.J.A. de. 'De levensstandaard in Nederland. Voeding en gezondheid in de eerste helft van de negentiende eeuw'. Tijdschrift voor sociale geschiedenis 22 (1996) 24-52.
Beer, J.J.A. de. 'Voeding, fysieke arbeidscapaciteit en productiviteit in Nederland, ca 1850 - ca 1900, NEHA-jaarboek 61 (1998) 196-225.