Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations


The Bangladesh Reader
Bangladesh is the world's eighth most populous country. It has more inhabitants than either Russia or Japan, and its national...
Bangladesh Posters: Rights
This is a selection of posters about rights from the collection of Bangladesh Posters, collected by the IISH and Heritage –...
Bangladesh Posters: Public Issues
This is a selection of posters about public issues from the collection of Bangladesh Posters, collected by the IISH and Heritage...
Bangladesh Posters: Elections
This is a selection of posters about elections from the collection of Bangladesh Posters, collected by the IISH and Heritage –...
Bangladesh Posters: Left-wing Political Organisations
This is a selection of posters about left-wing political organisations from the collection of Bangladesh Posters, collected by...
Bangladesh Posters: Labour Relations and Trade Unions
This is a selection of posters about labour relations and trade unions from the collection of Bangladesh Posters, collected by...
Bangladesh Posters
Messages of Hope and OutragePosters are important as visual chronicles of history. In Bangladesh, a country with an extremely...
Modern South Asia Seminar Series
Lecture "Beyond Partition Logic? The Bangladesh Kaleidoscope" by Prof. Willem van Schendel.This is the fourth lecture in the...
The Bengal Collections
Since 1996 the International Institute of Social History has been actively collecting material on the social history of Bengal,...
Shahriar Kabir Freed
Shahriar Kabir, the IISH representative in Bangladesh who was one of around 40 opposition activists arrested on December 8...
Shahriar Kabir in prison
The detention of Shahriar Kabir, the IISH representative in Bangladesh, was declared "illegal" by the country's High Court,...
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