Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

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Aims of the SeminarLabour studies in Asia are either general in nature with an emphasis on quantitative anlysis, or have a strong regional focus based on a case study approach. Comparison between... [Event]
Recent Collection highlights from South Asia include:Scanned proceedings of the Textile Labour Association (TLA), Ahmedabad (Gujarat, India) 1924-1929; 1933-1937 and 1990-1995. TLA is part of the... [Collection highlight]
Transnational Flows and Permissive Polities in Asia.Willem van Schendel (Asia Department, IISH & University of Amsterdam) has received a four-year grant for an international research programme on... [News]
Een lespakketOp deze pagina vind je lesmateriaal over gedwongen arbeid in Nederlands-Indië, ná de afschaffing van slavernij. Het is bedoeld voor de bovenbouw van havo/vwo. Leerlingen kunnen... [General page]
Collecting on Asia started in earnest from 1987 onwards. From 2011 onwards the South East Asia Region desk was created. The Desk collects materials from Burma, China, Indonesia/Dutch East Indies,... [General page]
How did Dutch colonial institutions govern diversity in North America, the Caribbean, Western Africa and Asia? How can we explain these institutions’ resilience and their lasting impact on modern... [Project]
The project Plants, People and Work: The Social History of Cash Crops in Asia, 18th to 20th Centuries started in 2007with a  500,000 euro grant from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific... [Project]
The South-South Exchange Proramme for Research on the History o|f Development (SEPHIS) is an independent research programme under the aegis of an international Steering Committee consisting of... [Project]
Over the last five centuries, the world has come to know Europeans as voracious consumers of colonial products. Right from the beginning of the 'European encounter', systems of production in the... [Project]
The International Research Programme on Changing Labour Relations in Asia (1998-2003) aimed to build a comparative and historical understanding of labour relations in different parts of Asia. The... [Project]
