Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

European Labour History Network

On 12 October 2013, the European Labour History Network (ELHN) was established during a meeting at the IISH in Amsterdam.

The ELHN aims to function as a gateway to share knowledge and (digital) material, to jointly apply for grants, etc. As an umbrella organization for small working groups with specific topics or tasks, ELHN will organize a broad conference on Labour History in 2015.

Purposes of the broad conference

  • Chance to mobilize young scholars to participate and bring in their specific topics and knowledge
  • Creating a platform for networking and future collective research
  • Opportunity to do transnational comparative studies
  • Seeing the whole of Labour history and not the fragmented pieces
  • Including all scholars who are interested, from students to professors.

Purposes and possibilities of the small working groups

  • On journals. Editors come together and talk about the way they work, options of collaboration, experienced difficulties, solutions.
  • Joint application for a grant to subsidize research groups
  • Groups on collections, to bring together data, sources or a bibliography on certain topics.
  • Specialist research working groups where scholars can closely work together on specific topics.

Provisional Coordination Committee

A Coordination Committee will both organize the broad conference and assist the working groups. Members are Marcel van der Linden, Stefano Musso, Silke Neunsinger, Leda Papastefanaki, Tibor Valuch, Xavier Vigna, Donald Weber, and Susan Zimmermann.

Meeting of the Coordination Committee in Vienna, during the ESSHC, April 23-26, 2014.

Contact: Marcel van der Linden (link sends e-mail), Jacqueline Rutte


28 October 2013