Stefano Bellucci

Stefano Bellucci (1971) studied political science and law at the University of Urbino in Italy where he graduated with honors (BA, 1997). He received an MA in political science at Miami University in the USA (MA, 1999) with a MA thesis titled Labour Migrations from Africa to Europe: theories and policies. Stefano did his doctorate degree at the Université Paris XI, Faculté Jean Monnet of Economics and Political Science (PhD, 2003) with a dissertation which focused on a critical analysis of the transformation of social movements into "civil society" as understood in the neo-liberal sense: Le Mozambique à l'ère néo-libérale: 'bonne gouvernance' et ONG.
Stefano studied and taught at the University of Pavia where he had a two-year post-doc position to carry out research on administrative organization, land, social protest and social/political identity in Kenya and Ethiopia. After which, for a number of years, he held a teaching position as lecturer in African political systems and constitutions, Third world development, and African contemporary history. He also taught a course at the University of Perugia on European and Italian colonialism, and decolonization and anti-colonial movements.
His regional interests are: East Africa (Horn of Africa and Kenya), Sudan and Mozambique. In addition to his academic work, Stefano has worked as a consultant, including with the Department of Social and Human Sciences of UNESCO in Paris and in Maputo, and with the Development and Cooperation Department of the OECD in Paris.
He joined the IISH in November 2010 as both head collector for Africa and senior researcher. He worked as head of the Africa Desk from 2010 to 2015. He conducted research on the complex relationship between the capitalist mode of production and labour in Africa; on African social and radical movements; on economic development and theories. Since 2013, he has been responsible for the ILO-funded project on the General Labour History of Africa. As from 2014, Stefano has been working part-time for the IISH as he began also working as a lecturer in African history and economics at Leiden University. In his capacity as collector for Africa he is involved in the digital data collection activities of the IISH. He still coordinates the activities of the IISH regional office in Addis Ababa.
Selected publications
Books- Bellucci, Stefano and Matteo, Sante (eds.), ItaliAfrica: Bridging Continents and Cultures, Stony Brook, N.Y: Forum Italicum 2001 [or. Africa Italia: due continenti si avvicinano, Rimini: Fara Editore, 1999]
- Bellucci, Stefano, Storia delle guerre africane. Dalle indipendenze nazionali alla globalizzazione neoliberale, Roma: Carocci, 2006 [A History of Wars in Africa. From National Independence to Neoliberal Globalisation]
- Bellucci, Stefano, Africa contemporanea. Politica, cultura, istituzioni a sud del Sahara, Roma: Carocci 2010, forward by Mahmood Mamdani [Contemporary Africa. Politics, Culture, Institutions South of the Sahara]
- Bellucci, Stefano, "Islam and Democracy: The 1999 Palace Coup in Sudan", Middle East Policy, Vol. 7, No. 3, 2000.
- Bellucci, Stefano, "Public Reform in Francophone Africa: the Devaluation of the CFA Franc", Il Politico, Vol. 65, No. 3, 2000.
- Bellucci, Stefano and Calchi Novati, Giampaolo, "Islamic Governance in Algeria and Sudan: A Fading Quest for a Model?", Mediterranean Quarterly, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2001.
- Bellucci, Stefano, "The International Political Economy of Immigration: The Changing Face of Italy," in Matteo, Sante and Bellucci, Stefano (eds.) Africa Italy: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, West Lafayette: Bordighera Ed., 2001.
- Bellucci, Stefano and Calchi Novati Giampaolo, "Il problema della riforma dei servizi pubblici nell'Africa musulmana", Giano (Peace, Environment and Global Issues), No. 37, January-April 2001.
- Bellucci, Stefano, "Islamisme et techno-militarisme confrontés au Soudan : Réformes et gouvernances ambiguës" in Revue de Droit International, Vol. 12, No. 4, December 2001.
- Bellucci, Stefano, "Governance, Civil Society and NGOs in Mozambique" in UNESCO/Most Discussion Papers, No. 56, January 2002. (Also available online:
- Bellucci, Stefano, "Idéologies et guerre: le parti de la paix et le parti de la guerre", Le débat stratégique, No. 61, January 2002.
- Bellucci, Stefano, "Nouvelles guerres, anciens valeurs", Res Publica, No. 34, August 2003.
- Bellucci Stefano, "La società civile sudanese: tra rivoluzione islamica e neoliberismo globale", in Anna Baldinetti, Società globale e Africa musulmana, Soveria Mannelli, 2004.
- Bellucci, Stefano, "Lo Stato islamico in Sudan: tra ideologia e pragmatismo", in Francesco Montessoro, Lo Stato islamico, Editore Guerini e Associati, Milano, 2005.
- Bellucci, Stefano e Zaccaria, Massimo (eds.), "Dossier: Sudan 1956-2006, cinquant'anni d'indipendenza" in Africa e Orienti, n. 1/2, 2006.
- Bellucci, Stefano, "Darfur, una 'nuova' guerra della globalizzazione?", in Africa e Orienti, n. 1/2, 2006.
- Bellucci, Stefano and Zaccaria, Massimo, "I popoli nuba del Sudan, tra aperture e resistenze", in Giovanni Mereghetti, Diario Nuba, Bertelli Editore, Trento, 2006.
- Bellucci, Stefano, Katumanga, Musambayi, and Otenyo, Eric "'Political' versus 'Civic' Education in Colonial and Independent Kenya" in Africa, Vol. 62, No. 1, 2007.
- Bellucci, Stefano, "Darfur: storia di una 'nuova' guerra" in Monica Ruocco (ed.) Pace e guerra nel Medio Oriente in età moderna e contemporanea, Collana del Dipartimento di Filologia, Linguistica e Letteratura dell'Università del Salento, 2 voll., Congedo editore, Galatina (LE) 2008.
- Bellucci, Stefano and Otenyo Eric, "Uscire dal guscio coloniale. L'eredità del tardo colonialismo nell'amministrazione provinciale del Kenya" in Pierluigi Valsecchi (ed.), Africa tra stato e sociaetà, Milano: Franco Angeli 2008.
- Bellucci, Stefano and Zaccaria, Massimo, "From Parties to Movements: Islam and Politics in the Horn of Africa" in Salih, Mohamed (ed.) Interpreting Islamic Political Parties, New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2009.
- Bellucci, Stefano, "Gestione della terra e trasformazione dell'ambiente rurale nel Corno" in Calchi Novati, Giampaolo (ed.), Il colonialismo italiano e l'Africa, Roma: Carocci 2011.
- Bellucci, Stefano, "Islamism in the Sudan: Who was the Challenger, what was at stake?" [forthcoming publication].
- Bellucci, Stefano, "Amministrazione, terra e giustizia in Kenya: il crocevia storico della cittadinanza" in Il Politico [forthcoming publication].