Frank de Jong

Born 1964. Studied Library and Information Sciences at the Frederik Muller Akademie in Amsterdam and Economic Sciences at the University of Amsterdam. Worked as personal librarian of Arnold Heertje, on a collection of antiquarian books in the field of economic sciences.
Joined the IISH in 1993 and worked until 2000 for the "Library Department". From 2000-2010 head of "Public Services and Preservation". From 2004-2010 also head of the "Image and Sound" department, and since 2004 responsible for acquisitions for the Netherlands. From 2011 fulltime responsible for digital and analog acquisitions (archival materials, image and sound, books, periodicals and documentation) for the Netherlands, Western and Central Europe and North-America.
Selected publications
Het Socialisten Boek, Waanders, 2008
Amsterdam agenda 2004-2008, Bekking & Blitz, 2003-2007
Algemeen Hollands : Ben van Meerendonk en zijn fotopersbureau, Aksant, 2005
Peter L.M. Giele verzamelde werken, Aksant, 2003
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