Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Transnational Labour, Transnational Methods

8 June 2008 to 14 June 2008
Toronto, Canada

Global Labour History Summer Intitute

The Summer Institute aimed at forging international and North-South research and publication collaborations during an intensive week of discussion, planning, and training in methods and practices of transnational labour and working-class history. Discussions had a broad spectrum of topics, from slavery to gender studies.

The workshop was the result of three years of planning and organization among historians from around the world. In 2005-6, historians from the University of Toronto convened an international working-group in transnational labour history which first met in Hyderabad, India and later in Campinas, Brazil. "Transnational Labour, Transnational Methods" has been co-sponsored by the International Institute of Social History and IISH staff member Marcel van der Linden was one of the organizers and keynote speakers.