Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations


Emigrant Aid Societies ORT and OSE
Click to see an enlarged picture, additional information and following pages if availableORT : Organization for Rehabilitation...
Revolutionary Song Di Shvue
This song is not to be confused with the Bund anthem Di Shvue.
Bundist election poster 2
Bundist election poster
Bundist election poster 3
Bundist election poster
Bundist election poster 1
Bundist election poster
Bundist election poster 4
Bundist election poster
Bundist election placards being posted
Bundist election placards being posted.
The Bund and Elections in Interbellum Poland
Click to see an enlarged picture, additional information and following pages if availableBundist election placards being posted ...
Bundist Postcard
This postcard is a good example of the bi-linguality of the Bund in Poland and the Baltic States during the Interbellum. This...
Call for financial support
Call for financial support for Yiddish secular education.
Graphic design for the Bund
Graphic design for the May 1st festivities of the Bund in Poland.
Picture stamps for the Medem Club
In interbellum Poland the Bund not only operated as political party but was also very active in the socio-cultural field. The...
Di geshikhte fun der idisher arbeyter bevegung in rusland un poylen
 First page of the brochure and list of publictions. At the end of most pamphlets the Bund and the Jewish anarchists published a...
The Bund in pictures
Click to see enlarged picture and description     
Yiddish Collection Guide
The IISH has a unique and manifold collection of Yiddish material consisting of books, brochures, periodicals and pamphlets of...
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