Bangladesh Posters: Rights
This is a selection of posters about rights from the collection of Bangladesh Posters, collected by the IISH and Heritage –...
Bangladesh Posters: Public Issues
This is a selection of posters about public issues from the collection of Bangladesh Posters, collected by the IISH and Heritage...
Bangladesh Posters: Elections
This is a selection of posters about elections from the collection of Bangladesh Posters, collected by the IISH and Heritage –...
Bangladesh Posters: Labour Relations and Trade Unions
This is a selection of posters about labour relations and trade unions from the collection of Bangladesh Posters, collected by...
Bangladesh Posters: Left-wing Political Organisations
This is a selection of posters about left-wing political organisations from the collection of Bangladesh Posters, collected by...
Bangladesh Posters
Messages of Hope and OutragePosters are important as visual chronicles of history. In Bangladesh, a country with an extremely...
The Chairman Smiles
The former Soviet Union, Cuba, and China: three countries where posters played an important political role and received a large...
Posters uit Vietnam
De Koude Oorlog en de strijd in Vietnam hebben een enorme hoeveelheid propaganda-posters opgeleverd. China, Sovjet-Rusland en...