Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Qajar Persia (Iran)

3 June 2011 to 4 June 2011

11th Conference on Qajar Studies and Inauguration of the Qajar Documentation Centre at the International Institute of Social History

The first day of the conference will be held at the International Institute of Social History (Amsterdam) on the occasion of the opening of the Qajar Studies and Documentation Center and will deal with the theme 'Princes and Courtiers in Qajar Persia.'

The second day of the conference will be held at the National Museum for Antiquities (Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, RMO) in Leiden and will explore the work and cultural legacy of the Dutch entrepeneur Albert Hotz (1855-1930) who was active in Qajar Persia between 1873 and 1903.
This part of the conference is organized by the International Qajar Studies Association in collaboration with the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden (RMO) Leiden. It is accompanied by the exhibition Handelswaar en Souvenirs - Islamic Art from the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam in the RMO Leiden.