Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Labour Conflicts on a Global Scale

15 June 2015

Please find the call for collaboration on a project initiated by the International Institute of Social History in the Netherlands.
With this project we aim at collecting data on labour conflicts on a global scale from 1500 to the present.
This new project is a follow-up of the repository where data is presented from a number of countries.
We made a modest start by presenting all existing data on strikes and lockouts as collected by the International Labour Organization 1927-2010 on historical maps ( and as part of our Clio-infra project (

But we want more. The attached text shows what we have in mind and what your role might be. Participation in the project can take several forms.

a. Discuss and elaborate the plans we have;
b. Share the plans to your network of people working in the field;
c. Collect and make available existing data on labour conflicts in any given country.

We are looking for collaborators but also researchers who make their already existing data available. This data may be on a national scale but also on a micro level like the datasets presented in the aforementioned repository.
Apart from these two parts of the project (collaboration with others and receiving data from colleagues) the IISH is also engaged in innovative projects to harvest data from digitized publications by using new techniques that enable such efforts.

If you are interested in our plans we hope to receive comments but most of all we  hope that you (and your research group) will take part in this new project.

Reactions are welcome at
Please don't wait too long and send me a message before June 15, 2015.

Dr. Sjaak van der Velden
International Institute of Social History