Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

MEGA-IMES Bibliography

The IMES is an international network, mainly based on the IISH, the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (BBAW), the Karl-Marx-Haus (KMH) of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Trier and the Russian State Archive for Social/Political History (RGA) and the Russian Independent Institute for the Study of Social and National Problems (RNI), both in Moscow.
The main task of the IMES is to continue the publication of the Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe (MEGA-2).

Please find below lists of the volumes published, or to be published, in the four series of the edition:

  • Erste Abteilung: Werke, Artikel, Entwürfe
  • Zweite Abteilung: "Das Kapital" und Vorarbeiten
  • Dritte Abteilung: Briefwechsel
  • Vierte Abteilung: Exzerpte. Notizen. Marginalien