Ulbe Bosma

Ulbe Bosma obtained his PhD in history at Leiden University in 1995. From 1993 to 2007 he acted as coordinator of the Sephis programme. Since 1997 he is Senior Researcher at the IISH and since 2012 professor of 'International Comparative Social History' at the Free University of Amsterdam. The endowed chair covers empirical research into labour and labour relations, from a comparative social historical and geographical perspective. From 2014 to 2016 he was visiting professor at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris. His main fields of interest are the histories of labour and commodity production, especially sugar, and international labour migration.
His current research project is to write a monograph on the global history of sugar production, trade and consumption.
- Revisiting the Periphery: How Island Southeast Asia Became a Mass Exporter of Labor. Completed Manuscript under contract with Columbia University Press.- The Sugar Plantation in India and Indonesia: Industrial Production, 1770-2010. New York etc.: Cambridge University Press, 2013.
- Indiëgangers. Verhalen van Nederlanders die naar Indië trokken (Amsterdam: Bert Bakker, 2010)
- Terug uit de koloniën. Zestig jaar postkoloniale migranten en hun organisaties (Amsterdam: Bert Bakker, 2009)
- Bosma, Ulbe and Raben Remco (Translated by Wendie Shaffer), Being "Dutch" in the Indies. A History of Creolisation and Empire, 1500-1920 (Singapore and Ohio: Singapore University Press and Ohio University Press, 2008)
- Bosma, Ulbe, Raben, Remco and Willems, De geschiedenis van Indische Nederlanders (Amsterdam: Bert Bakker, 2006)
- Ulbe Bosma, Angelie Sens and Gerard Termorshuizen, Journalistiek in de tropen. De Indisch- en Indonesisch-Nederlandse pers, 1850-1958 (Amsterdam: Aksant, 2005)
- Bosma, Ulbe and Raben, Remco, De oude Indische wereld (Amsterdam, Bert Bakker, 2003)
- Karel Zaalberg; journalist en strijder voor de Indo. Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land en Volkenkunde 175. (Leiden: KITLV, 1997)
International refereed journals
- 'Empire of Cotton and the Global Countryside,' Journal of World History, 28, 1 (2017), pp. 121-130.- (with Thomas Kolnberger), 'Military Migrants: Luxembourgers in the Colonial Army of the Dutch East Indies', Itinerario, 41, 3 (2017), pp. 555-580.
-‘Smallpox, vaccinations and demographic divergences in nineteenth-century colonial Indonesia’, Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia/Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 171, 1 (2015) pp. 69-96.
- ‘Review Essay. Why Europe Grew Rich and Asia Did Not’, International Review of Social History, 59, 1 (2014) pp. 119-130.
- ‘Reciprocal Comparisons and the Domains beyond Imperial Control’, Ab Imperio, 2 (2014) pp. 46-70.
- ‘The Economic Historiography of the Dutch Colonial Empire’, Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis (Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History), 11, 2 (2014) pp. 153-174.
-Bosma, Ulbe and Jonathan Curry-Machado, 'Turning Javanese: The Domination of Cuba's Sugar Industry by Java Cane Varieties', Itinerario, 37, 2 (2013) pp. 101-120
- Bosma, Ulbe and Jonathan Curry-Machado, ‘Two Islands, One Commodity: Cuba, Java and the Global Sugar Trade (1790 – 1930)’, New West Indian Guide, December 2012
- Bosma, Ulbe, Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk, Aditya Sarkar, ‘Mediating Labour: an introduction’, International Review of Social History. Special Issue No. 20, Vol. 57 (2012) Intermediaries of Labour. Indirect Recruitment of Free and Forced Workers around the World.
- Bosma, Ulbe and Alferink, Marga, 'Multiculturalism and settlement. The case of Dutch postcolonial migrants', Journal of International Migration and Integration (online)
- 'European colonial soldiers in the nineteenth century: their role in white global migration and patterns of colonial settlement', Journal of Global History 4 (2009) 317-336.
- 'The Cultivation System (1830-1870) and its private entrepreneurs on Colonial Java, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 38, 2 (June, 2007) 275-292.
-'Sailing through Suez from the South. The Emergence of an Indies-Dutch Migration Circuit 1815-1940', International Migration Review 41, 2 (Summer 2007) 511-536.
- 'Beyond the Atlantic: Connecting Migration and World History in the Age of Imperialism, 1840-1940', International Review of Social History, 52 (2007) 117-124.
- Bosma, Ulbe, and Rosa Ribeiro, Fernando, 'Late Colonial Estrangement and Miscegenation; Identity and authenticity in the colonial imagination in the Dutch and Lusophone (Post) Colonial Worlds', Cultural and Social History 4,1 (2007) 29-50.
- Bosma, Ulbe and Rosa Ribeiro, Fernando, 'Alheamento e miscignação: dois mestres da imaginação no mundo (pós)colonial neerlandês e lusófono', Afro Asiáticos, 27, 1-2-3 (2005) 103-140.
- Bosma, Ulbe, and Roger Knight, 'Global Factory and Local Field: Convergence and divergence in the international cane sugar industry, 1850-1900', International Review of Social History 49 (2004) 1-26.
- Citizens of Empire: Some Comparative Observations on the Evolution of Creole Nationalism in Colonial Indonesia, Comparative Studies in History and Society, 46, 4 (2004) 656-681.
- 'Os Indos: Classe e Cidadania no Período Colonial Tardio na Indonésia', Afro-Asia Centro de Estudos Afro-Orientais-CEAO 28 (2003).
Edited Volumes
- (with Christian de Vito and Clare Anderson eds.) Punitive relocations in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: Perspectives from the colonies. Special Issue 26 International Review of Social History (Cambridge University Press, 2018 forthcoming)
- (with Anthony Webster) (eds.), Commodities, Ports and Asian Maritime Trade, 1750-1850. London: Palgrave: Macmillan, 2015.
-Bosma, Ulbe, Gijs Kessler and Leo Lucassen, Migration and Membership Regimes in Global and Historical Perspective (Brill Publishers, Leiden 2013)
- Bosma, Ulbe, Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk and AdityaSarkar, International Review of Social History. Special Issue No. 20, Vol. 57 (2012) Intermediaries of Labour. Indirect Recruitment of Free and Forced Workers around the World.
- Postcolonialism in the Netherlands (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, IMISCOE series, 2012)
- Bosma, Ulbe, Lucassen, Jan and Oostindie, Gert, Postcolonial Migrations and Identity Politics (Berghahn publishers, 2012)
- Bosma, Ulbe, Juan A. Giusti-Cordero and G. Roger Knight (ed.) Sugarlandia Revisited. Sugar and Colonialism in Asia and the Americas, 1800-1940. New York and Oxford: Berghahn, 2007)
- Diouf, Mamadou et Bosma, Ulbe (eds) Comprendre le Pluralisme; Parcours Caraïbéens. (Paris, Karthala, 2003)
- Willems, Wim, Remco Raben, Edy Seriese, Liane van der Linden, Ulbe Bosma (eds.) Uit Indië geboren; Vier eeuwen familiegeschiedenis. (Zwolle, Waanders, 1997)
- Van den Berg, Rob, and Ulbe Bosma (eds) The Historical Dimension of Development, change and conflict in the South. (The Hague, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1994)
- Schweigman, C. and U.T. Bosma (eds) Research and development cooperation; The role of the Netherlands, (Amsterdam, KIT, 1990)
Contributions to books
-‘Cultivators, integration of food markets and increasing government intervention in colonial Indonesia: 1815-1942,’ in Jessica Dijkman and Bas Van Leeuwen, Societal Resilience: Coping with Food Shortages in Historical Perspective. Routledge, Forthcoming.-‘Trafficking, slavery, peonage: dilemmas and hesitations of colonial administrators in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Malaysia’, in Alessandro Stanziani & Gwyn Campbell, Human Bondage and Rights in Afro-Eurasia from the Seventeenth Century to the Present Day. Palgrave. Forthcoming 2018
- 'Decolonization, nation building and migration in Southeast Asia', in Cecilia Menjivar, Immanuel Ness and Marie Ruiz,Oxford Handbook of Migration Crises (Oxford University Press, forthcoming).
-'The Global Detour of Cane Sugar: From Plantation Island to Sugarlandia,' in Karin Hofmeester and Pim de Zwart, Colonialism, Institutional Change, and Shifts in Global Labour Relations (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2018), 109-134.
- ‘Multatuli, the Liberal Colonialists and their Attacks on the Patrimonial Embedding of Commodity Production in Java’ in: Willem van Schendel (ed.), Embedding Commodities. Using Historiccal Evidence (Ashgate, 2016), 30-54.
-'Franz Junghuhn's Three-Dimensional and Transcedental Java,' in Monika Arnez and Jürgen Sarnowsky, The Role of Religions in the European Perception of Insular and Mainland Southeast Asia Travel Accounts of the 16th to the 21st Century, (Cambridge Scholars Press) p.175-206.
- Erik Aerts and Ulbe Bosma, ‘The Low Countries. Intellectual Borderlands of Economic History’, in Francesco Boldizzoni and Pat Hudson, Routledge Handbook of Global Economic History. New York: Routledge 2016, pp. 175-192.
- and Anthony Webster, ‘Commodities, Ports and Asian Maritime Trade Since 1750: The Foundations of the Modern Asian ‘Economic Miracle’”? in Ulbe Bosma and Anthony Webster (eds.), Commodities, Ports and Asian Maritime Trade, 1750-1850. London: Palgrave: Macmillan, 2015, pp. 1-16.
- ‘Migration and Colonial Enterprise in Nineteenth Century Java’, in Jan Lucassen and Leo Lucassen, Globalising Migration History. The Eurasian Experience (16th -21st centuries). (Leiden: Brill, 2014) 151-179.
- ‘Migration and colonial enterprise in 19th century Java’, in Jan and Leo Lucassen, Globalising Migration History. The Eurasian experience (16th-21st centuries) Studies in Global Social History. Brill 2014.
- ‘The Dutch Colonial Empire’, in: Michael Gehler und Robert Rollinger, Imperien und Reiche in der Weltgeschichte. Epochenübergreifende und globalhistorischeVergleiche (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2014) pp. 999-1026.
-‘From luxury to bulk: India and the emerging global sugar market’,Nadège SOUGY, (s.d.) Luxes et internationalisation( XVIIe-XIXe siècles), Editions Alphil, Presses universitaires suisses, à paraitre septembre 2012. Neuchatel 2013.
- Bosma, Ulbe, Gijs Kessler and Leo Lucassen - Migration and Membership Regimes in Global and Historical Perspective: An Introduction, in: Ulbe Bosma, Gijs Kessler and Leo Lucassen, Migration and Membership Regimes in Global and Historical Perspective (Brill Publishers, Leiden 2013)
- ‘Cane Sugar and Unlimited Supplies of Labor in the 1930s: New Thinking and the Origin of Development Economics’, in: Marcel van der Linden and Leo Lucassen, Working on Labor. Essays in Honor of Jan Lucassen (Leiden/Boston: Brill 2012) 371-394.
- 'European Imperialism and Migration to Asia', in Immanuel Ness et al (eds.), Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration (Wiley-Blackwell, 2012)
- 'Dutch imperial anxieties about free labour, penal sanctions and the right to strike', in Stanziani, Alessandro (ed.), Labour constraints in Asia and Europe, 17th-20th century (Leiden: Brill 2012)
- 'Emigration: Colonial circuits between Europe and Asia in the 19th and the early 20th century' (basic element), Europäische Geschichte Online / University of Mainz
- Bosma, Ulbe, Lucassen, Jan and Oostindie, Gert, 'Introduction', in Bosma, Ulbe, Lucassen, Jan and Oostindie, Gert, Postcolonial Migrations and Identity Politics (Berghahn, 2012)
-'Why is there no postcolonial debate?', in Bosma, Ulbe, Postcolonialism in the Netherlands (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, IMISCOE series, 2012)
-'Introduction', in Bosma, Ulbe, Postcolonialism in the Netherlands (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, IMISCOE series, 2012)
- 'The discourse on free labour and the forced Cultivation System: the contradictory consequences of the abolition of slave trade for colonial Java 1811-1863', in Van der Linden, Marcel (ed.), Humanitarian Intervention and Changing Labor Relations. The Long-term Consequences of the Abolition of the Slave Trade (Leiden: Brill, 2011) 387-418.
- 'Otto Huiswoud, courrier de la Black Atlantic (1893-1961)', in: Carlos Agudelo, Capucine Boidin, Livio Sansone (coord.), Autour de " l'Atlantique noir ", une polyphonie de perspectives, Paris, IHEAL-CREDAL, 2009
- Bosma, Ulbe, Giusti-Cordero, Juan, Knight, Roger G., 'Sugarlandia Revisited: Sugar and Colonialism in Asia and the Americas, 1800 to 1940, An Introduction', in: Bosma, Ulbe, Giusti-Cordero, Juan, Knight, Roger G., Sugarlandia Revisited: Sugar and Colonialism in Asia and the Americas, 1800 to 1940 (New York, Oxford: Berghahn, 2007) 5-30.
- 'Sugar and Dynasty in Yogyakarta', in: Bosma, Ulbe, Giusti-Cordero, Juan, Knight, Roger G., Sugarlandia Revisited: Sugar and Colonialism in Asia and the Americas, 1800 to 1940 (New York, Oxford: Berghahn, 2007) 73-94.
- 'The Indo: Class, citizenship and politics in late colonial society', in Joost Coté en Loes Westerbeek, Re-calling the Indies. Colonial Cultures and Postcolonial Identities. (Amsterdam, Aksant, 2005) 67-98.
- 'Kelas Indo Dan Kewarganegaraan Indis', in: Coté, Joost and Westerbeek, Loes (eds.), Recalling the Indies. Kebudayaan Kolonial dan Identitas Poskolonial (Yogyakarta: Syarikat Indonesia, 2004) 61-106.
- Bosma, Ulbe and Oonk, Gijs, 'Bombay Batavia. Parsi and Eurasian Variations on the Middlemen Theme', in: Nico Randeraad (ed.) Mediators between State and Society. (Hilversum, Verloren, 1998) 17-40.
- 'Indië voor de Indiërs. Politiek en Pers', in: Wim Willems et al., Uit Indië geboren. Vier eeuwen familiegeschiedenis (Zwolle: Waanders, 1997) 99-116.
- Bosma, Ulbe and Raben, Remco, 'De macht van de pen. Indo-Europeanen en het gouvernement', in: Wim Willems et al., Uit Indië geboren. Vier eeuwen familiegeschiedenis (Zwolle: Waanders, 1997) 83-98.
- 'Een 'Indisch kind' van de verlichting. Karel Zaalberg als leerling van Daum', in: Termorshuizen, Gerard (ed.), Rondom Daum (Amsterdam: Nijgh & Van Ditmar, 1997) 123-134.
National refereed journals
- 'Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea en de late empire builders', Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis 6, 3 (2009), 2-25
- Bosma, Ulbe en Mandemakers, Kees, 'Indiëgangers: sociale herkomst en migratiemotieven (1830-1950). Een onderzoek op basis van de Historische Steekproef Nederlandse bevolking (HSN)', Bijdragen en mededelingen betreffende de geschiedenis der Nederlanden 123, 2 (2008) 162-184.
- 'Het cultuurstelsel en zijn buitenlandse ondernemers. Java tussen oud en nieuw kolonialisme', in: Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis 2:1 (2005), 3-28.
- Bosma, Ulbe en Klazinga, Niek, 'Malaria op Madoera. Van gezondheidscalamiteit naar gezondheidsbeleid in het Nederlands-Indië van 1906', Tijdschrift voor gezondheidswetenschappen, 80, 5 (2002) 330-334.
- 'De Indo-Europeaan en de autonomie voor Indië', Bijdragen en mededelingen betreffende de geschiedenis der Nederlanden 104 (1989) 1, 17-38.
-‘Global Labour History. Geschiedenissen van arbeid en migratie vanuit mondiaal perspectief’, Groniek, 200 (2014) pp. 319-332.
-Over de taak van de sociaal historicus: mondiale problemen en digitale kansen. Inaugural Lecture VU University 15 November 2013
-'Postkoloniale immigranten: Generatiewisseling en organisatiebehoefte', Demos: bulletin over bevolking en samenleving 25, 4-5 (2009), 5-9
- 'Kiezen voor integratie. Migranten uit voormalige Nederlandse koloniën', Geschiedenis Magazine 44, 8 (2009), 30-33
- 'Tegen de laagste mogelijke prijs', Geschiedenis Magazine 41, 8 (2006), 33-35
- 'Zeeuwen naar Indië tussen 1815 en 1940', Zeeland. Tijdschrift van het Koninklijk Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Wetenschappen 15, 1 (1996), 9-17
Editor or co-editor of large databases
- Migrant Organisations in the Netherlands
- European Migration to the Dutch East Indies